
Pencil Grip

Make sure you are holding your pencil correctly.

Watch the following video which gives instructions on how to hold a pencil correctly.

We will be focussing on our grip when holding a pencil and the best position of our paper when writing in a cursive script. See the images below for examples..


Modern Cursive Handwriting Information

In Term 2 we are learning to write in cursive Handwriting. The style of cursive handwriting the Ministry of Education recommends in its Teaching Handwriting handbook is the Modern Cursive Handwriting Style.

Modern Cursive Handwriting Guide for right handers.

Modern Cursive Handwriting Guide for left handers.

We are going to focus on the unlinked cursive style of each letter this term and will look at then linking the letters together for the second half of the year.

The uppercase (capital) basic cursive script letters are the same as the basic printing uppercase, they don't link to the lowercase letters.

Some useful resources for practising modern cursive handwriting:

A useful website with worksheets for practise for the modern cursive handwriting style is ted power.

A useful document with great suggestions on proper grip, posture and handwriting instruction is the Handwriting South Australian Modern Cursive Handbook.

Handwriting Warm up Exercises

Do one warm up exercise from the Handwriting Warm Up Exercise page.

Choose a different one each time.

Touch Typing Practice:

With more and more of our time spent on computers, it is crucial that children learn to touch type to make working on a computer faster and easier. Dance Mat Typing is a great website to use (click on the picture to take you to the page)

DANCE MAT TYPING, is a fun way to learn touch typing.

There are four levels to play, each divided into three stages.

You start by learning the home row keys. Each stage build on previous lessons, introducing new letters as you progress. At the end of each level you can test your typing speed and get a fun reward.
