Save A Lot of Money on your Private Pilot Training

Our Flight Simulator Lab is set up and ready to go. Learning to fly in an aircraft is one of the most amazing things anyone can do. The problem is that it costs a lot of money and is not the best learning environment. If you’d like to learn all of the private pilot maneuvers before spending thousands of dollars in the plane, look at the compelling reasons to use simulators. We offer hours of Private Pilot Simulator Training with or without our instructor(TSA qualifications must be met). If you have your own instructor, bring them along. Learn the necessary skills and muscle memory needed for the private pilot license. Everything from takeoff to landing. This includes emergency procedures you can’t do in the aircraft.

Our curriculum will provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge to reduce your total time to get your license. This can be thousands of dollars saved. According to the FAA Student Pilot Guide (page 2) the average time students take to complete the private pilot certificate is 60-75 hours.

Monthly Simulator Rate $250 (Account set up with private pilot curriculum)

New CFI Simulator Orientation -Free

Tips for Using a Simulator

  1. Use your electronic flight book and your tablet with the simulator.

  2. Use a checklist to train as you fly.

  3. Get a weather briefing for real weather flying

  4. Finally, use a sim lab with a yoke, rudder pedals and a throttle. Make it as real as possible.