Private Pilot

Private Pilot

A private pilot certificate is for those who have always wanted to fly and is the starting point for those who have higher aviation goals.

Many private pilots are interested in flying for fun and flying a variety of different aircraft. Others learn to fly so they are able to use an aircraft to support their business or professional interests, like flying themselves to meetings to cut down on travel time. Whatever the goal, private pilots have many options.

A private pilot certificate is the certificate held by the majority of active pilots in the USA. It allows command of any aircraft weighing less than 12,500 lbs, (subject to appropriate ratings) for any non-commercial purpose and gives almost unlimited authority to fly under visual flight rules (VFR). A private pilot may carry passengers and flight in furtherance of a business. However, a private pilot may not be compensated for services as a pilot. Passengers are only allowed to pay a pro-rata share of flight expenses, such as fuel or rental costs.

What can you do as a Private Pilot?

With a private pilot certificate, a pilot can rent aircraft from Flight Test Prep Academy and fly anywhere in the US. Our diverse fleet enables renters to experience the wide variety of aircraft available in the US market. A private pilot certificate is the minimum requirement for adding other ratings and more advanced certificates. Flight Test Prep Academy offers most of the advanced certificates and ratings. Popular advancements include: technically advanced avionics aircraft, high performance aircraft, tailwheel endorsement, mountain flying checkout, and Cirrus training.

What’s involved in Flight Training?

Private pilot training involves two main components – ground school and flight training. Ground school is accomplished either in our classroom or through a home study course. It teaches you all the background information that all pilots need to know, but are not easily taught in the air. Topics covered during ground school include: regulations, airplane systems, navigation, aerodynamics, weather theory, and radio communications.

Typically 3-hour lessons are scheduled during which students will log 1-2 hours of flight time. Each lesson is structured to cover the specific maneuvers needed to master in order to earn a certificate. This training prepares the student to take both the written and practical tests. Certification is achieved upon successful completion of these two tests.

What aircraft will you fly?

Flight Test Prep Academy has a large diverse Fleet of aircraft in which students can learn to fly. 

How long does it take?

That’s very much dependent on each student. Flying regularly and studying at home shortens the amount of time in the air and time with an instructor on the ground substantially. Flying a minimum of two, 3-hour lessons per week, a student can expect to have their certificate in approximately 6 months. For people doing flight training for a professional pilot career, contact us for a more detailed training curriculum. 

How much will it cost?

Cost is also very dependent on the student. If a student flies regularly, and is able to complete the syllabus in the minimum time specified by the FAA, the cost will be less. Here’s a breakdown based on the minimum requirements:
Minimum Hours:   Aircraft / Flight Instructor / Ground School / Pilot Supplies / 40 hours  $13700
Typical HoursAircraft / Flight Instructor / Ground School / Pilot Supplies / 60 hours  $18,200 

What are the Prerequisites?

To begin you’ll need:

Prior to your first solo flight, you’ll need:

Before your final checkride, you will need to: