Checkout Information


Flight Test Prep Academy planes are maintained to high standards. Expectations are high for utilizing our aircraft. You will notice that everything works on the aircraft. If something goes down it will be repaired in a timely fashion. When aircraft is dispatched, ensure the quality expectation is met. If it is not, please let us know.

Aircraft Checkouts are pretty straightforward and include paperwork as well as a flight. Please take advantage of the time by talking with the check CFI so that you may get that extra instrument approach or you improve some aspect of your flight. We can include an IPC or a BFR as part of the checkout.

If you don't already have on file your pilot information, please complete the pilot information form below.

Aircraft check out are done by aircraft characteristics. A 172 checkout is good for all 172 except G1000. The G1000 can be accomplished on a simulator if you've already checked out in one of our 172's . The G1000 GFC requires some understanding of 'Buttonology'

Pilot Information Form

Checkout Form

Catalina Checkout