Professional Development Resources

MTSS Resources

To help facilitate and inform implementation of a problem-solving and response-to-intervention model in the state, the FL DOE and USF have partnered to create the Florida Problem Solving/Response to Intervention (PS/RtI) Project. The vision of the PS/RtI Project is that all Florida educators will utilize an effective and efficient multi-tiered system of supports to ensure the academic, behavioral, and social-emotional growth of all students within one universal education system. There are many wonderful resources available on this website.

The RTI Action Network is a program of the National Center for Learning Disabilities. Their website has information about RtI for SLD identification, behavior supports and RtI in secondary schools.

The University of South Florida has an online database for behavioral data collection. While traditional behavior data systems focus on reporting requirements, the RtI:B Database was designed for the sole purpose of supporting effective school and district level problem solving. Created by the group that developed Florida’s model of MTSS for behavior, the database allows users to analyze systems-level and individual issues at Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3.

This website provides general information on PBIS, including topics, tools, publications, videos and presentations. Funded by the Department of Education, the Office of Special Education and the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education.

Evidence-Based Interventions

Intervention Central provides teachers, schools and districts with free resources to help struggling learners and implement Response to Intervention. This website has step by step guides to interventions for academics and behavior, as well as fluency probe generator, math and spelling worksheet generators, positive reward finders and daily reward report card makers.

OTISS, the Oklahoma Tiered Intervention System of Support, is Oklahoma's intervention model for identifying and addressing academic and behavioral difficulties that interfere with PreK-12 student success. It has many of the same features as Intervention Central, but also includes training videos of teachers conducting some of the interventions.

PBIS World was developed to empower teachers and staff to implement and carry out PBIS. This website contains a wealth of interventions, accommodations, and other resources to assist teachers and staff with students that present with social, emotional, and/or behavioral difficulties.

Online Professional Development

  • Other online training can be found at the National Center on Intensive Intervention, which is part of the US Offices for Special Education. This website offers tools and resources for teachers, support personnel, schools and district personnel responsible for leading MTSS (and special education) initiatives.

Intensive Intervention trainings