
The Garden of Earthly Delights: Trevor Wishart at 75

York New Music Weekend 2022 celebrates the astonishing sonic imagination of Trevor Wishart, featuring compositions ranging over half a century from his earliest electroacoustic work (Study 1, 1969-70) to the UK Premiere of The Garden of Earthly Delights (2020), taking in improvisation, music theatre, and new music inspired by Wishart along the way.

Internationally acclaimed – the winner of 2008 Gigi-Herz award for electronic music – but rooted in York, where Wishart completed his doctorate and has long been resident, YNMW is proud to dedicate this weekend to one of our brightest local stars.

The extraordinary power and versatility of the human voice is a constant thread throughout Wishart's output, and we are thrilled to host the UK leg of mezzo soprano and composer Loré Lixenberg's FR/UK U! tour, with major works by Frédéric Acquaviva and Denis Dufour alongside Wishart presented in the Rymer Auditorium's outstanding ambisonic array.

At StreetLife York's transformation of 29-31 Coney Street, we invite you to extend your own sonic capabilities through interactive workshops – and while you're there, explore the Wishart archive through a new exhibition, Journey Into Sound, running throughout the weekend and beyond.

With opportunities to hear rarely-presented early tape pieces, and a first performance of the image-based Found Suite, YNMW offers a feast of rare delights. Step inside the garden...