The Official Gazetteer Listening Tour of York

Ben Eyes

Ben Eyes
Saturday 14 May
StreetLife York, 29-31 Coney Street
Follow this link to reserve your place!

(ambisonic playback on Sunday 15 May 10-11am @Rymer Auditorium, University of York)

The Official Gazetteer Listening Tour is a piece created by York composer Trevor Wishart to experience environmental and human made sound in a new way. With Ben Eyes as our tour guide we will be collecting sound on an immersive sonic tour of Medieval York, encountering unusual sounds, drones and found melodies on the way.

Once collected these sounds will be sorted, processed and spatialised to be played back the following day for a group listening session using the amazing sixteen Channel ambisonic sound system in the Rymer Auditorium at the Department of Music.

Necessary equipment : Mobile Phone or tablet running a sound recording app capable of recording in WAV format or handheld Portable Recorder.

Suggested recording apps :

For Android : Auphonic available Free on play store.

For Apple : Voice Recorder

15 Places Available. Note this sound tour will be suitable for older children accompanied by an adult.
Reserve your place at this link.

Presented as part of StreetLife York