
Loré Lixenberg – FR/UK:U #1

Loré Lixenberg
Friday 13 May
Rymer Auditorium, University of York


theVoicePartyOperaBotFarm[myMuseIsMyFury] [2021, 52'44] is a radio work with the voices of Loré Lixenberg, Boris Johnson, Nigel Farage, robots, bots and electronics production of Deutschlandfunk Kultur / ORF / CTM Festiva radio premiere: 23 April 2021 Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Berlin / 2 May 2021 Ö1, Vienna

acousmatic concert premiere: December 3, 2021, Audiorama, Stockholm.

theVoicePartyOperaBotFarm[myMuseIsMyFury] mixes sonic tweets from specailly programmed bots that have become operatic characters and faithful members of the Voice Party. These robots are programmed on Twitter by Loré Lixenberg as trolls who answer with fragments of "extended vocals" to each tweet of Boris Johnson, acting in this as counterpoints (or countertrolls) to the Russian bot farms that supported the Brexit as well as the election of Donald Trump. These bots create an online opera using the resources of Artificial Intelligence to protest and form an

underground resistance network via the internet as an online 'opera' of political activism. We hear

also fragments of politicians' voices and their tics, including the ineffable Boris Johnson.

Even today, the "farm" of Voice Party bots (created in November 2019) still counter-attacks every tweeted intervention of the very temporary tenant of 10 Downing Street. Thus, when Johnson tweets, the algorithm I created for my bots responds to him through a stream of transformed recordings in real time of various vocalizations that can be heard in this in this radio version. The operatic voice stands up against the most degrading populism. If you want to follow theVoicePartyOperaBotFarm, the link on twitter is @TheVoiceParty1 What you will hear in this version of the Botfarm, is a medley of tweets compiled to work for radio.