
You should attend all scheduled teaching sessions. Regular attendance is vital to succeed in your apprenticeship programme. If you cannot attend a theory session, you must inform the module leader before the session.

University Regulations state that you should be present at any time at which teaching or other academic engagements have been arranged for your programme (including Saturdays). This includes teaching that is not compulsory.


If you are unable to attend due to illness, please see the What If I Cannot Attend Scheduled Teaching or Practice Sessions section on reporting absence in the Teaching and Learning Section of the Handbook. If you are having problems with completing your studies, please contact your personal supervisor.

If you stop attending scheduled teaching sessions without saying you are withdrawing and do not respond to our efforts to make contact with you within a specified time-scale, the Board of Studies will assume that you have withdrawn from your studies. This is known as ‘assumed withdrawal’. Your employer would be consulted of any absence from the programme within the following days of that absence. 

Record of attendance

All taught sessions have registers of attendance. An electronic register is completed at the start of each session. If you are absent then an email will be sent directly to your employer advising them of this absence.

It is also a requirement for those students on an apprenticeship programme that evidence of the programme hours is logged within the practice documentation. If you are absent from your external practice placement then you are expected to call Student Services and report this absence and notify your supervisor. This absence should also be documented within your e-portfolio.

Annual leave

You should refer to the course plan for dates on which you can take annual leave. For apprenticeship learners, this must be agreed with your employer as per your workplace policy on annual leave. You are not permitted to take annual leave on University theory days, unless there are exceptional circumstances which have been agreed with your line manager and the Programme Leader.

For those learners on a direct entry route, you will not be permitted to take annual leave when in theoretical modules as designated on the direct entry course plan.

At the end of Stage 2, learners are not permitted to take annual leave in weeks 96 – 99, as this period is required if you are placed on an action plan in practice.