Practice hours

See the ‘Working whilst studying’ section of the Professional, Statutory, Regulatory Body Accreditation page

Attendance at practice-related conferences and events

On occasion, you may have the opportunity to attend a practice-related conference or event. The Department recognises the value of these events and how they can contribute to your learning. In discussion with your Practice Assessors and employer, if on an apprenticeship route into the programme, attending such events may be considered to be relevant to your practice learning experience and to contribute to your achievement of NMC competencies. It may therefore be possible for you to attend the event and to count the time as practice hours. If you wish to attend a practice-related conference or other event, and count the time as practice hours, you should negotiate this with your Practice Assessor. You will need to identify the practice learning outcome or competency to which the event is linked, and include evidence of this in your E-OAR and/or NAPAD.