Assessment supervision for practice modules

The roles of Practice Supervisor, Practice Assessor and Academic Assessor are defined by the Nursing & Midwifery Council and are responsible for supporting and supervising your learning in all practice placement settings. You will have named persons for each of these roles allocated to you.

Practice Supervisor

Practice Supervisors are responsible for supporting students’ education through monitoring and recording of students’ achievement of learning outcomes with respect to their conduct, proficiency and learning which will inform decisions about a student’s progression. A different Practice Supervisor is allocated for every practice placement.

Practice Assessor

Practice Assessors have the primary responsibility of assuring student achievement and work in partnership with Practice Supervisors and other relevant individuals to confirm this achievement. The Practice Assessor is responsible for assessing the students’ practice achievement across a Stage (year) of the programme.

Academic Assessor

The Academic Assessor is a member of academic staff from the Department who liaises with the Practice Assessors and Practice Supervisors to assure the student assessment and progression to the next stage or completion of the programme.