Acceptable support
The University defines academic support which is acceptable as:
The identification and correction of errors related to:
Word usage (excluding specific terminology)
Spelling, punctuation, capitalisation, italics, abbreviations, headings, quotations, metrification, numbering, citations, referencing, tables, illustrations, footnotes and appendices
The identification (but not correction) of issues related to:
Grammar and syntax
Clarity of expression
Voice and tone
Issues with logical sequencing and linkage between sentences and paragraphs
For summative work, undertaking the following tasks for a student is inappropriate:
Adding or re-writing any of the student’s sentences or sections of work
Rearranging passages of text, sequences of code or sections of other material for the student
Reformatting the material for the student
Contributing additional material to the original
Checking calculations or formulae
Rewriting formulae, equations or computer code
Re-labelling figures or diagrams
Further information can be found in the Guide to Assessment, Standards, Marking & Feedback.