Electronic ongoing achievement record in practice (E-OAR)

Practice learning process

Requirements for all placements:

The NAPAD will be formatively assessed by your academic assessor at the end of each placement and will be summatively assessed by your academic assessor at the end of each year/Stage.

Other requirements for NAPAD 

Patient/service user feedback

You must gain feedback from 2 patients/service users during each PAD (Year/Stage) and upload your evidence in this section.

Episode of care formative and summative

You will be assessed on an episode of care during each PAD. This will be agreed with your practice assessor/ supervisor. The formative will give you the opportunity to learn and reflect in practice from your experience in readiness for your summative assessment. The summative must be successfully achieved to complete PAD 1/2. We suggest that you start to plan your episode of care with your practice assessor during the year, do not leave it until the last placement.

Medicines management

During each PAD (year) you will gain experience in administering medication to patients. The medicines management competency must be successfully achieved by the end of each PAD.

Assessment of proficiencies

The assessment of proficiencies 1-34 must be achieved in PAD 1 and PAD 2. Use opportunities when they arise to be assessed against these proficiencies. Do not leave them all until the last placement.

Ongoing achievement record

This section will have to be completed by your practice assessor and the end of each placement and before the end of each PAD. Your academic assessor will verify the information in this section to ensure you have completed all requirements to be able to move forward or complete.