Change your plan

Can I change the module level at which I am studying?

When you enrol you enter into a contract to study at a particular level (i.e. Level 6 or 7). During the first three weeks of a module it is possible to change the level at which you are studying if you feel you have enrolled for the wrong level. You are advised to discuss this with the module leader. You should confirm your wish to change module level to the Continuing Professional Development team in writing by email ( This communication should be sent from your University email account.

Please note that after week three your module registration is final and it is not possible to change module level.

What should I do if I change my mind before the module has started?

It is very important that you contact the Department immediately if you no longer wish to study a particular module. If circumstances mean that you cannot start a module at a particular time or you would like to take an alternative module, you should contact the Continuing Professional Development team at the Student Services ( or the Postgraduate admissions team ( as soon as possible and at the very latest on the day before the module starts. 

Can I defer my place on a module?

It is not possible to defer your place on a module. If you are no longer able to start your chosen module, you must apply again at a later date.

What happens if a module is cancelled?

Very occasionally it may be necessary for us to cancel a module. We try wherever possible to avoid this however if this eventuality arises the Department will contact you prior to the start of the module giving you sufficient time to make alternative arrangements. 

Leave of absence

Students studying modules on a freestanding basis are not eligible to apply for a period of leave of absence and interrupt their studies, with the exception of Independent & Supplementary Prescribing for Non-Medical Prescribers (Nurses, Midwives & Allied Health Professionals).

Your module leader can advise on the correct procedure to follow if you feel you need a period of leave of absence. If you are granted leave of absence from a fully-funded place on a module, we will expect you still to be in the same employment when you return to your studies. We will ask you for a statement from your manager to confirm this.

You can only apply for leave of absence if you are able to meet the entry requirements of the proposed programme to which you will be returning (i.e. if your original programme is no longer running or no longer running in the same format in the future). There must be an appropriate entry point on an appropriate programme for you to return to.

Any application for leave of absence requires you to provide contemporaneous evidence supporting the reasons for the request. It is your responsibility to obtain support and agreement of any such application from your employer: this is not the responsibility of the Department.

If you are studying on a freestanding basis but are not eligible to apply for a period of leave of absence it might be possible, in exceptional circumstances, to apply for an extension. Please seek advice from your supervisor or module leader.

Withdrawal from your studies

Withdrawal is the term used when a student decides to leave the University permanently, prior to completion of the award for which they are registered, whether for personal or academic reasons.

If your circumstances change and you are unable to commit to the completion of a particular module you must contact your supervisor and the relevant admissions team (Continuing Professional Development or Postgraduate before the end of the third week of the module. If you do not inform us of your decision to withdraw from a module in this way, you may be prevented from studying the same module again at a later date.

For further information, please see Re-admission Following Module Withdrawal or Failure in the Your Freestanding Module Study Section of the Handbook.

Suspension of employment - CPD and PSRB-approved modules only

If, during the module, you are suspended from employment you must notify the Continuing Professional Development team at the Student Services ( at once as this may affect your ability to complete the module. Continuation on the module will depend on further discussions with your employer with guidance from the relevant Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Body.

If there are any concerns in relation to your fitness to practise you will not be able to continue with the module while the issue remains unresolved. You would therefore be invited to take a leave of absence (if eligible) until the issue is resolved, or to withdraw from the module.

Termination of employment - CPD and PSRB-approved modules only

If, during the module, your employment is terminated you must notify the Continuing Professional Development team at the Student Services ( at once as this may affect your ability to complete the module.