Study skills

Our Academic Skills Community, based in the Fairhurst Library, helps students develop their academic and communication skills to a high standard. Through online resources, workshops and one-to-one consultations, academic skills staff work with students to develop skills in:

Skills guides

Learn how to follow good academic practice and develop your digital skills for effective reading, note-making, essay writing and problem solving. Consult our online skills guides to find tips and interactive resources.

Digital skills training

We offer workshops to help you enhance your academic and digital skills. Training includes reference management, critical skills, presentations and digital creativity.

Writing centre

The Writing Centre offers academic writing guidance and online resources for all students. They offer face-to-face and online appointments throughout the year.

Maths skills centre

The Maths Skills Centre offers mathematics and statistics guidance and resources for all students. They offer drop-in sessions during term time or you can book an appointment for more in-depth guidance.