Academic misconduct

Academic misconduct means breaking the rules of academic integrity and this is why we regard any form of academic misconduct as a very serious offence.

See the University policy for what we consider to be academic misconduct.

Our advice on Artificial Intelligence (AI) use in assessment is that we expect you not to use AI to generate assessment answers unless you have been explicitly told that you may or must do so.

Students facing academic misconduct issues can contact the GSA Advice & Support Centre  or YUSU Advice & Support Centre for help.


Referencing is a key aspect of academic writing and is used to clearly identify information and ideas that come from source materials. It is essential to acknowledge other people's ideas in this way so that you can avoid committing plagiarism.

The Harvard referencing style is used by this Department.

Please note that incorrect or non-existent referencing can constitute misconduct.


Turnitin is a text-matching software designed to help students integrate material into assignments correctly. All students can access and use Turnitin themselves once you have completed the online Turnitin tutorial in the VLE.

You can find information on how to access the Turnitin tutorial via the Academic Integrity website.

The Department of Health Sciences submit all summatively assessed work through Turnitin. It is utilised as a tool alongside academic judgement to identify instances of plagiarism, poor academic referencing and other poor academic practices.

Following the introduction of VLE Blackboard Ultra in the 2023/4 academic year, all summative written coursework must be submitted electronically. Electronic submission must be through Turnitin Feedback Studio. For each summative piece of coursework, a submission point will be set up within the module site on the VLE.

It is the student’s responsibility to submit their work to the correct submission point. Clear instructions will be given by the module team in advance of the submission deadline to enable you to locate these. There are a number of instruction videos available on the homepage of the VLE to support you with the use of Turnitin.

Your raw mark (subject to the ratification process) and associated feedback will be made available to you on the deadline release date. Please be aware that this raw mark will not reflect any associated late submission penalties. Your final mark (subject to ratification) with any associated deductions or penalties will be the mark visible through your e:Vision ‘view my results’ section. The e:Vision result is the mark that will contribute to your progression and award calculation.

Any summative work submitted through Turnitin may be used anonymously as an exemplar for future cohort teaching sessions. For further information, contact Student Services via