Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol

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Crynodeb o'r cwrs

Ar gyfer pwy mae'r cymhwyster?

Mae'r cymhwyster TAG UG a Safon Uwch mewn Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol, a Gofal Plant yn addas ar gyfer dysgwyr ôl-16 sydd â diddordeb mewn dysgu am ddatblygiad a gofal unigolion drwy gydol oes o adeg cenhedlu i oedolaeth ddiweddarach. Bydd dysgwyr yn dilyn astudiaeth eang o iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, a gofal plant ar lefel UG, ac wedyn gallant ddewis rhwng dau lwybr ar lefel U2 i ddatblygu dyfnder gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth naill ai mewn gofal plant neu iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol oedolion.

Mae'r cymhwyster yn cynnig llwybr dilyniant addas ar gyfer dysgwyr sydd wedi astudio cymwysterau Lefel 2 yn y gyfres iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, a gofal plant.

Mae'r cymhwyster TAG UG a Safon Uwch mewn Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol, a Gofal Plant hefyd yn addas ar gyfer dysgwyr nad ydynt wedi astudio Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol o'r blaen ond sydd â'r gallu i astudio Lefel 3.

Beth mae'r cymhwyster yn ei gynnwys?

Mae'r cymhwyster yn galluogi dysgwyr i feithrin a dangos eu gwybodaeth, eu sgiliau a'u dealltwriaeth o fewn cyd-destun iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, a gofal plant.

Mae'r materion cyfredol canlynol wedi'u cynnwys yn y fanyleb:

  • hybu iechyd a llesiant

  • cefnogi iechyd, llesiant a gwydnwch yng Nghymru

  • persbectifau damcaniaethol ar ddatblygiad plant a phobl ifanc

  • cefnogi datblygiad, iechyd, llesiant a gwydnwch plant a phobl ifanc

  • persbectifau damcaniaethol ar ymddygiad oedolion

  • cefnogi oedolion i gynnal iechyd, llesiant a gwydnwch.

Strwythur y cymhwyster

Mae'r cymhwyster TAG UG a Safon Uwch mewn Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol, a Gofal Plant wedi'i rannu'n gyfanswm o bedair uned, dwy uned UG (Uned 1 ac Uned 2) a dwy uned U2 (unedau 3, a 4).

Uned 1 - Hybu iechyd a llesiant

Uned 2 - Cefnogi iechyd, llesiant a gwydnwch yng Nghymru

Uned 3 - Persbectifau damcaniaethol ar ddatblygiad plant a phobl ifanc

Uned 4 - Cefnogi datblygiad, iechyd, llesiant a gwydnwch plant a phobl ifanc


Mae 50% o'r cymhwyster TAG UG a Safon Uwch mewn Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol, a Gofal Plant yn cael ei asesu'n fewnol a 50% yn cael ei asesu'n allanol. Rhaid i ymgeiswyr gwblhau'r canlynol yn llwyddiannus:

  • aseiniadau a osodir yn allanol, a'u marcio'n fewnol

  • arholiadau allanol.

Beth y gallai'r cymhwyster hwn arwain ato?

Mae’r cymhwyster yn cynnig sylfaen addas ar gyfer astudio iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol drwy amrywiaeth o gyrsiau addysg uwch, neu i gyflogaeth. Gall dysgwyr hefyd symud ymlaen i gymwysterau eraill o fewn y gyfres iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, a gofal plant.

Yn ogystal, mae'r fanyleb hon yn gwrs astudio sy'n gydlynol, yn foddhaol ac yn werth chweil i'r dysgwyr hynny nad ydynt yn symud ymlaen i astudio ymhellach yn y pwnc hwn

course summary

Who is the qualification for?

The GCE AS and A Level in Health and Social Care, and Childcare is suitable for post-16 learners who are interested in learning about the development and care of individuals throughout the life span from conception to later adulthood. Learners will follow a broad study of health and social care, and childcare at AS, and can then choose between two pathways at A2 to develop depth of knowledge and understanding in either childcare or adult health and social care.

The qualification provides a suitable progression route for learners who have studied Level 2 qualifications within the health and social care, and childcare suite.

The GCE AS and A level qualification in Health and Social Care, and Childcare is also suitable for learners who have not studied Health and Social Care before but have the ability to study Level 3.

What does the qualification cover?

The qualification enables learners to develop and demonstrate their knowledge, skills and understanding within the context of health and social care, and childcare.

The following current issues are included in the specification:

  • promoting health and well-being

  • supporting health, well-being and resilience in Wales

  • theoretical perspectives of children and young people's development • supporting the development, health, well-being and resilience of children and young people

  • theoretical perspectives of adult behaviour

  • supporting adults to maintain health, well-being and resilience.

Qualification structure

The GCE AS and A Level in Health and Social Care, and Childcare is divided into a total of four units, two AS units (Unit 1 and Unit 2) and two A2 units (Units 3 and 4 ).

Unit 1 - Promoting health and well-being

Unit 2 - Supporting health, well-being and resilience in Wales

Unit 3 - Theoretical perspectives of children and young people's development

Unit 4 - Supporting the development, health, well-being and resilience of children and young people


The GCE AS and A Level in Health and Social Care, and Childcare is assessed through 50% internal assessment and 50% external assessment. Candidates must successfully complete:

  • externally set, internally marked assignments

  • external examinations.

What could the qualification lead to?

The qualification provides a suitable foundation for the study of health and social care through a range of higher education courses, or into employment. Learners may also progress to other qualifications within the health and social care and childcare suite.

In addition, the specification provides a coherent, satisfying and worthwhile course of study for learners who do not progress to further study in this subject