
Cymdeithaseg Opsiynau Blwyddyn 11.mp4

Crynodeb O'r Cwrs

Uwch Gyfrannol

Mae cymdeithaseg yn bwnc sy'n astudio’r modd y mae cymdeithas yn gweithio.

Uned 1: Caffael diwylliant

Cyflwyniad i gymdeithaseg, cymdeithasoli, diwylliant ac amrywiaeth diwylliannol.

Teuluoedd ac Aelwydydd:

Mathau amrywiolo deuluoedd yng Nghymru a Lloegr; newidiadau demograffig gan gynnwys priodas ac ysgariad. Perspectifau damcaniaethol o deuluoedd ac aelwydydd.

Uned 2: Deall diwylliant a Dulliau Ymchwilio Cymdeithasegol.

Canolbwyntir ar ddulliau ymchwil cymdeithasegol gan ddefnyddio enghreifftiau o ymchwil cymdeithasegol cyfoes ac enghreifftiau o Gymru.


Rôl a swyddogaeth addysg yn y gymdeithas gyfoes; patrymau a thueddiadau, polisi cymdeithasol cyfoes a phersbectifau damcaniaethol o addysg.

Lefel A

Uned 3: Grym a Rheolaeth

Canolbwyntir yma ar themâu grym, gwahaniaethu ac haeniad cymdeithasol yn ymwneud â threfn a rheolaeth gymdeithasol.

Trosedd a Gwyredd:

Patrymau o drosedd a gwyredd yn ôl dosbarth cymdeithasol, rhywedd, ethnigrwydd ac oedran yn Nghymru a Lloegr. Damcaniaethau ac esboniadau o drosedd a gwyredd.

Uned 4: Anghydradadoldeb Cymdeithasol a Dulliau Cymhwysol o Ymchwil Cymdeithasegol.

Canolbwyntir ar themâu gwahaniaethu cymdeithasol, grym a haeniad cymdeithasol gan ddefnyddio gwybodaeth a dealltwrieth o ddulliau ymchwilio cymdeithasegol.

Astudir dystiolaeth ac enghreifftiau o anghydraddoldeb yn ymwneud â dosbarth cymdeithasol, rhywedd, ethnigrwydd ac oedran yn y gymdeithas gyfoes a damcaniaethau ac esboniadau o anghydraddoldeb a haeniad cymdeithasol.


Advanced Subsidiary

Sociology is a subject which looks at our society and how it works.

Unit 1: Acquiring culture

Introduction to sociology, socialisation, culture and cultural diversity.

Family and Households:

Different family forms and diversity within Wales and England; demographic changes including marriage and divorce. Theoretical perspectives on families and households.

Unit 2: Understanding culture and Sociological Research Methods.

The focus is here is on sociological research methods, using examples of current sociological research with examples from Wales.


The role and function of education in contemporary society, patterns and trends, social policy and theoretical perspectives on education.

A Level

Unit 3: Power and Control

We will be looking at the themes of power, differentiation and social stratification concerning social order and control .

Crime and Deviance:

Patterns of crime and deviance in relation to social class, gender, ethnicity and age in Wales and England; theoretical perspectives and explanations of crime and deviance.

Unit 4 : Social Inequality and Sociological Research Methods.

We will be studying the themes of social differentiation, power and social stratification and using information and an understanding of research methods.

Evidence and examples of inequality will be explored in relation to social class, gender, ethnicity and age in contemporary society and theories and explanations of inequality and social stratification.