
economeg cymraeg.mp4

cynodeb o'r cwrs

Mae Economeg yn galluogi myfyrwyr i ddatblygu meddwl creadigola dadansoddol drwy archwiliomarchnadoedd, dadansoddi grymoedd y farchnad, deall effaith polisiau gwahanol ar farchnadoedd, dadansoddi problemau economaidd ,a gwerthuso dadleuon o blaid ac yn erbyn cyn gwneud penderfyniad.


Astudiaeth o'r broblem economaidd

sylfaenol a sut mae cwmniau,

cymdeithas a marchnadoedd yn mynd ati i'w datrys.

Theori a pholisiau macroeconomaidd

Astudiaeth o'r farchnad genedlaethol yn ei chyfanrwydd, hynny yw, incwm, gwariant, buddsoddiad cenedlaethol a sut maent yn effeithio or y farchnad genedlaethol.

Dadansoddi sgil effeithiau yr holl bolisïau macroeconomaidd ar y farchnad genedlaethol. Polisiau megis, ariannol, cyllidol a ochr cyflenwad.

Uned 1 (15% o safon uwch) 1 awr a chwarter –Papur ysgrifenedig 55 o farciau

Cwestiynau atebion byr gorfodol a chwestiynau lluosddewis i asesu holl cynnwys Uwch Gyfrannol .

Uned 2 (25% o safon uwch) 2 awr – Papur vsgrifenedig 80 o farciau

Dau Cwestiwn gorfodol yn ymateb i ddata er mwyn asesu holl gynnwys Uwch Gyfrannol (40 marc yr un)

course summary

Economics enables students to develop creative and analytical thinking through investigating markets, analysing market forces, understanding varying policy effects on the market, comprehending the economic problems and evaluating the arguments for and against before making decisions.


A study of the basic economic problem and how companies, society and markets go about solving it.

Macroeconomic theory and policy

A study of the national market in its entirety, from national income, expenditure and investment and how they all affect the national economy.

Analysis of the side effects of all the macro-economic policies on the national market. Policies such as monetary, fiscal and supply side.

Uned 1 (15% of A level) 1 hour and 15 minutes -Written Paper 55 marks

Compulsory short-answer and multiple choice questions to assess all of the AS content.

Uned 2 (25% of A level) 2 hours - Written Paper 80 marks

Two Compulsory data response questions to assess all of the AS content (40 marks each)