Language Learning Process

Learning a language takes many years! It is more of a "marathon" than a "sprint," and step by step it all adds up!

At HMS students (generally) follow this path to proficiency:

  • 6th Graders progress from Novice Low to Novice Mid

  • 7th Graders progress from Novice Mid to Novice High

  • 8th graders progress from Novice High to Intermediate Low

We know that students learn in different ways and at different paces. The good news is that your brain is already programed to learn languages, you just need time and exposure!

At first, we spend a lot of time taking in the language that we are exposed to by listening, viewing, or reading, so our comprehension skills tend to be be stronger at the Novice Level. Generally, speaking and writing skills develop later, and we typically have to make lots of mistakes in order to get the practice in that we need to improve.

So as a Novice Learner, you won't be able to say all that you want to say immediately. You will probably start speaking and writing in memorized words and phrases. And with practice, you'll be able to build up to producing language that you create on your own. When you can create language on your own you've reached the intermediate level!