
Turnitin Account Request Form

Current XU Policies for Turnitin :

1. XU email must be used for Turnitin accounts.

2. Use of our Turnitin is for XU only.

3. Instructors must not enroll their students in Turnitin but must upload all theses or papers in Turnitin themselves :

Quick guide: 

Login > Add Class > fill out form with details > Submit > click the class name to go to the class page > click on Students tab on top > Add Student > add yourself as the student > click on the Assignments tab on top > Add Assignment > Next Step > Submit papers to: Do not store the submitted papers, fill out form with details > Submit > on the newly created assignment click on More Actions > Submit > select yourself as the student, fill out form with details > choose From This Computer > select the file that you want to submit > Upload

4. Plagiarism score limit or tolerance is on a department level discretion. (or if dictated by CHED for your department)

Quick Start Guide :


XU Turnitin Training of Apr 28 2023 :

89 minutes: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TkkDQ55BpimaYW1I2308DJ6pU2npQZAD

XU Turnitin Instructor Training of March 5 2021 :

87 minutes: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mRT99vSERSsJUxI37I4QtVtIK0mK7NXO

Turnitin Instructor Training of June 1 2022 :

80 minutes: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V-kjqNEqpUazslEwszRA83PqzKTP4GTj

Turnitin Guides for Instructors (by Turnitin) :
