WeDo 2.0

The educational robotics kit Lego WeDo 2.0 gives students the ability to create any kind of robot that come to their minds. It is compatible with all Lego pieces, and although there are some models selected to create and code at the app, the creativity of each student makes them able to create new proposals every time they use it.

It can be used through PBL and Science and Technology challenges, but also through Languages, and that is what we are talking about today, how to use a WeDo 2.0 to create and explain a story.

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Learning box: The vehicle of the future

In "The vehicle of the future" learning box, we invite you to embark on a journey of exploration, learning and growth through the fascinating world of vehicle building with Lego WeDo 2.0. We are pleased to share this experience with you and we are confident that, by completing this learning box, you will become true experts in the field of means of transport and its design. Are you ready to start this exciting journey to knowledge?

STOP MOTION with WeDo 2.0

In this activity, we will record videos using the Stop Motion technique and using a mobile device, some Story Dice dice and Lego pieces.

First of all, we will need this app installed on our device. It's called Stop Motion Studio, and it can be used on both iOS and Android. Here is a tutorial on how to use the application, although it is very intuitive.

We also need to have Lego pieces to create our story and, with the help of the StoryDice, create a Beginning, a Middle and an End.

After that, we will record the video with the app indicated above and, together with the rubrics, we will share and co-assess the result. Are you ready?!

TOONTASTIC with WeDo 2.0

In this activity, we will carry out one of the STEAM proposals of the WeDo 2.0 app and, with the use of a mobile device and the Toontastic app, we will create a Science Report of what we are discovering.

First of all, we will need this app installed on our device. It's called Toontastic, and it can be used on both iOS and Android.

Using the WeDo 2.0 we will look for a challenge and we will think of a question that we would like to answer, after that we will create a hypothesis of what we think will happen, once we have it, we will explain the experiment that we want to create and how we will collect the data, later we will explain the results and observations that we have done and, finally, the conclusion to which we have arrived and if we have other conclusions.

Once we have done everything, we will create the video with the Toontastic, we will show it to our classmates and, together with the rubrics, we will share and assess the result.