makey makey

The Makey Makey is a controller that allows us to connect any conductive material to a computer or tablet. With this we can create interactive and accessible posters and stories, musical instruments, games and everything that can come to our minds.

The Colour Monster

This activity consists in explaining a story or creating a new one with the Scratch tools and the Makey Makey controller.

Age: 8-10 years old.

Key competences: C1, C5, C6, C8, C9.

Description: This activity can be done using any story and any topic.


  • Makey Makey
  • Tablet and/or computer (If it's with a tablet, we should buy a USB adaptor to connect the Makey Makey to it)
  • Tablet and/or computer to use Scratch.


  • The activity consists on creating an interactive story accessible to every student, with visual or hearing handicap.
  • The number of sessions is orientative.
  • SESSIONS 1-3

The first task will be to split the story in order to reproduce and create the physical book. The sessions will depend on the difficulty of the project that the students want to create.

  • SESSIONS 4-6

Take pictures of the story and upload them to Scratch to start coding.

Choose a character and record the audios.


Paste aluminum foil or colour with graphite pencils so that electricity can be driven through each page of the story.

Check that everything works correctly.


Go to different classes to tell our story. Also explain it in class for everyone and self and co-assess the students through rubrics.


  • Here's an example to be remixed or to create a new one with the help of it.

Choose your own adventure with Makey Makey

This is an adventure where students create parallel stories so that the reader can interact with the story and create their own one.

This is a sample of the project

Choose your own adventure is an activity that combines educational robotics with the creation of stories and coding. In this case, we will create different scenarios that, combined, can give way to many different stories.

Age: 10-12 years old.

Key Competences: C1, C3, C5, C6, C8, C9, C10

Description: This activity works the use of STEAM in all its fields; in addition to the improvement of language and the contents' creation.


  • Makey makey
  • Tablet and/or computer (If it's with a tablet, we should buy a USB adaptor to connect the Makey Makey to it)
  • Dry erase white boards, erasers and pens.

How to do it:

  • The students are divided into groups of three and create a new Scratch project.
  • Each story has three parts: Beginning, Middle, End.
  • The activity consists in creating a Beginning and giving two options for the Middle part, when they finish each one, each Middle Part will have to find two possible outcomes.



Imagine a story and draw the storyboard on a dry erase whiteboard. If there is time, start creating the story using Scratch.


Search or create a backdrop, choose the characters and start with the first part of the story.


Continue with the two options for the Middle Part. We can use the same characters or hide them, we can also change or keep the backdrop.

To choose between the two options, we will use the blocks: "When (up arrow) key pressed", and then we will start with the coding of the middle part (changing backdrops, actions, dialogues, etc.)


We will continue creating the alternative endings and we will try to make sure everything works correctly once we connect the Makey Makey.

When we finish, we will do an exhibition of stories where we can walk around the class and interact with the stories of our classmates.


  • We can explain the story only using Scratch if we don't have the Makey Makey.