codey rocky

Codey Rocky is a programmable device with mBlock 5.0, a scratch-based software. The proposals of this workshop referring to Codey Rocky range from the use in Pre-K Education to Primary. There are two types of apps to use the Codey Rocky: mBlock and MakeBlock, the first one, aimed at users who are 7-9 years old, can program Codey Rocky to detect colors, avoid obstacles, etc. In the app called MakeBlock, which is much more accessible to children in early childhood education and the Y1 and Y2 students, the robot would work as a Bluebot, being able to drive it with the tablet and draw its route.

We can also use games to tell stories such as the Story Cubes or the Tell Me a Story game together with Codey Rocky to create stories, making it look for obstacles and, when you find a card, stop in front of it.

Driving My Tractor

This activity consists on coding the Codey Rocky to explain the Driving My Tractor story collectively.

Age: 4-6 years old.

Description: This activity can be done using any of the topics related to the story "Driving My Tractor" (animals, food, plants ...). 


How to do it:



Pete The Cat

This activity consists on coding the Codey Rocky to explain the Pete The Cat story collectively.

Age: 4-6 years old.

Description: This activity can be done using any of the topics related to the story "Pete The Cat" (food, colours, feelings...).  We have chosen that they will be able to retell the story through Codey Rocky using its colour detector.


How to do it:
