Careers Policy

XP Careers Policy 

Click here to view our XP Careers Policy update to include Baker Clause /access provider 

Staff Responsible: Kathryn Burns (KBU)

SLT Responsible: Gwyn Ap Harri (GAP), Andy Sprakes (ASP) & Jamie Portman (JPO) 

Trust Governor Responsible: Dr. Jean Harris-Evans

Created: November 2019

Next Review: November 2021


Careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) is an essential part of the support we offer to learners at XP School. Effective careers support can help to prepare young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life in the real world; it can help them to make decisions and manage transitions as learners and workers. As options for young people become more varied and complex, it is vital that we support them to develop the knowledge and skills they need to make informed decisions for their future. As a result, the careers programme has a whole-school remit designed to complement the rest of the school curriculum.

The school has a designated and committed careers lead who is responsible for the implementation of this policy and to liaise with external partners, such as employers, learning providers and careers guidance services to ensure that the various elements of the whole school’s CEIAG provisions are coordinated and managed through a stable, embedded programme that meets the expectations set out in the Gatsby Benchmarks. The school also has a named partnership and transition lead who ensures the learners journey into the school, throughout their school life and onto their next destination, is planned, sequential and ensures that a broad and varied range of experiences and opportunities are made on offer available. 

This policy sets out explains how CEIAG provisions are embedded in the curriculum and explains what all stakeholders can expect from the careers programme.

Aims and objectives

The XP School careers programme aims to:

Learner Entitlement

All learners are entitled to be fully involved in an effective CEIAG programme.

They are encouraged to take an active role in their own career development, so the careers programme emphasises learner participation with a focus on self-development, learning about careers and the world of work and developing career management and employability skills.

During their time at school, all learners can expect:

Parental involvement

Young people do not make career decisions in isolation and parents/carers can have a substantial impact, as well as a clear interest in the right outcomes for their young person. The school is keen to foster parental involvement in the careers programme, wherever possible. Specific sessions giving advice on career pathways and opportunities will be offered to parents throughout the learners journey at school.

Events for parents and carers

Using the start profile, crew leaders will collate learners’ career aspirations for a minimum of three times a year to allow discussions around progress relating to next steps, career ideas and career planning, as well as academic progress which is presented during SLCs.   

Parents and carers can access start profile to be kept up to date with career-related events and activities affecting their son/daughter in addition to letters and texts home, the school’s careers hub website and social media. 

In addition, specialist information events for parents and carers include key stage 4/GCSE choice “common mission”, apprenticeship opportunities, as well as options and pathways to post-16 and post-18. Parents and carers are welcome to attend careers meetings, by prior arrangement and are welcome to contact the careers lead at school, should they have any questions or concerns.

elivery of the Careers Programme

The content of the taught careers education programme is based around the learning outcomes outlined in the CDI Careers Framework (see references).

Year 7

Key activities: Introduction to careers; KS4/GCSE options choices

Working alongside experts and completion of fieldwork, expeditions include the world of work, how salaries relate to different jobs, stereotyping around jobs, how to find out about jobs, the skills needed for work, the jobs of the future, the geography of jobs. 

Activities which will support the “common mission” KS4/GCSE choices process.

By the end of Year 7, all learners will have had the opportunity to:

Year 8

Key activities: Develop a deeper understanding of careers; KS4/GCSE options choices

Activities which will support the “common mission” KS4/GCSE choices process.

By the end of Year 8, all learners will have had the opportunity to:

Year 9

Key activities: Develop a deeper understanding of careers; KS4/GCSE options choices

Activities which will support the “common mission” KS4/GCSE choices process.

By the end of Year 9, all learners will have had the opportunity to:

Year 10  

Key activities: Work placements and mock interviews

Lessons delivered during crew include preparing to find and carry out work placements; CVs, applications and interview technique in preparation for mock interviews; an introduction to post-16 options. These activities are supplemented with after-school support sessions in Extended Study with device access.

By the end of Year 10, all learners will have had the opportunity to:

r 11 

Key activities: Post-16 applications

Learners will learn how to write a personal statement for post-16 applications; get support on completing post-16 applications; hear from the Head of XP16, guest speakers about sixth form, college and apprenticeships during crew and community crew meetings; attend group sessions discussing the different post-16 pathways and key considerations when choosing post-16 options. These activities are supplemented with after-school support sessions in Extended Study with access to devices.

By the end of Year 11, all learners will have had the opportunity to:

Career guidance meetings

Learners are entitled to appropriate guidance to meet their individual needs. The XP careers programme provides all learners at least one careers guidance meeting every academic year.  All learners are entitled to additional meetings upon request with the XP careers lead, Mrs Burns (

Bespoke interventions and needs-based referral

The referral procedure works as follows:

For those learners identified as being at risk of NEET, further interventions are arranged as appropriate for each learner. This support could include personalised curriculum in KS4, visits to colleges and training providers, contact with parents, support from other agencies and ongoing contact as the learner leaves school.

Learners may refer themselves for a careers meeting at any point, directly via the careers lead or crew leaders. An appointment with the careers leader will then be arranged. Learners are made aware of the careers advisor through assemblies and via crew sessions.

The careers advisor will record action plans on the SOS system at school as well as the online start profile. Learners will receive a copy and parents and staff have the option to see this information so they can support the process. 

Career information

Career information is available through relevant displays, Careers Hub website, cascaded via crew leaders and through community meetings. The careers library includes a range of university and college prospectuses, career guides, apprenticeship and employer information, as well as guides on job-search activities. The school careers website provides online resources and a range of reliable websites. 

Experts & External providers 

A prominent feature at XP schools is the benefit of the expeditionary model of curriculum and the involvement of real world learning, employer contact and an abundance of experts contributing to the curriculum delivery. This ensures a range of external providers are invited into school to support expeditions and the careers programme. These also include local colleges, universities, training providers, apprenticeship organisations, employers, school alumni, or staff from various projects and external partnerships. In all cases, such staff and organisations will be guided and supported to make their contributions as suitably bespoke and applicable to our student needs and interests. vetted for suitability by the relevant staff at school.

Management and staffing

The careers lead is responsible for taking a strategic lead and direction for the career programmes throughout the school and its curriculum working with the school leadership team, governance, management leads and Assistant Principles of each year.

The school also contracts a qualified independent from Doncaster Skills Academy to offer career guidance 

Careers is a part of all XP’s staff’s roles when delivering the academic and careers programmes. A broad range of further staff expertise and support is given throughout careers activities and careers learning at school including Assistant Principles, crew leaders, learning coaches and subject teachers. Dany Green & Mel Hewitt take a key role in supporting and administering career-related activities and events.

ff Development

A full and accessible calendar of training and support is available for all staff through internal staff days and external events. 

Crew leaders are supported in understanding the concepts, aims and programme for CEIAG at XP School at staff days, planning meetings and in-year team meetings. Sharing of good practice sessions and reflections on prior delivery are incorporated into our review processes and staff training days. 

The development of on-line resources and career information websites are promoted and available for all staff to further develop their personal development.

Dany Green attend conferences and careers network meetings, as well as SLT and governor links in order to keep up to date with best practice and legislation.

Updates and reports are given to the leadership and governance members at regular times throughout the year and governor links and visits into the school allow for further opportunities for staff development and career updating.


The school is committed to providing the resources to enable an effective careers programme, including adequate staffing, staff training and resources including  

Links with employers, businesses and other external agencies continue to grow at XP School; by building on local community connections; as well as through the support of the Mel Hewitt. Enterprise adviser, Saj Karim, from local business Screwfix provides a range of careers related activities and enterprise opportunities throughout the school.  

The school is keen to promote equal opportunities, challenge stereotypes and address limiting beliefs. All students can access advice and guidance tailored to their needs with support to explore options that suit their preferences, skills and strengths. The safeguarding officer and SENCo work on early-identification of students requiring additional support, with no limit placed on how many times a student might access the careers advisor, Kathryn Burns 

Role models including alumni, apprentices and university learners will be brought in to raise aspirations and demonstrate what is possible after XP School, while non-traditional routes are supported and encouraged.

The destinations of school-leavers are tracked, and trends identified in order to inform future planning and suitability of activities and provision

The use of the start profile to produce Gatsby benchmark specific reports informed by actual student preferences and experiences throughout their careers programme will  give further valuable evidence on the impact and progress of the schools programme

Monitoring and evaluation

When monitoring the success of the careers programme, the school considers formal and informal measures, qualitative and quantitative data and hard and soft outcomes for learners.

A nominated member of leadership is linked to the careers programme and reports to the Governance and Director members of the Trust. 

The careers programme is evaluated in a number of ways, including:

XP School will be working to achieve the Gold Quality Award in CEIAG (Prospects)