Pre-16 Careers Hub

Learner Entitlement

All learners are entitled to be fully involved in an effective CEIAG programme.

They are encouraged to take an active role in their own career development, so the careers programme emphasises learner participation with a focus on self-development, learning about careers and the world of work and developing career management and employability skills.

During their time at school, all learners can expect:

  • Support and guidance needed to help learners make informed choices when deciding their pathways and progression choices at important stages of their school journey such as 'common mission' curriculum at Y9, GCSE subjects, Post 16 and entry into employment or HE.

  • Access up-to-date and unbiased information on future learning and training, careers and labour market. This is supported by the use of the XP careers hub webpage and START profile

  • Support to develop self-awareness and career management skills

  • Career sessions during crew time from Y7 to Y13 covering reflection of career encounters, options and pathways post 16 and post 18, the world of work, the labour market, jobs for the future and career skills. These are captured digitally as an on-going process through the learners journey at the school.

  • Throughout each year to experience many meaningful encounters with representatives from experts, external and internal stakeholders, local employers and the world of work, each school year; this could be through work placements, internships, World of Work workshops, community meetings, careers links embedded in each expedition, field work and visits.

  • To hear from a range of education and training providers, including colleges, universities and apprenticeship programmes; this will include visits and taster days, as well as crew community meetings and workshops. Mentors from businesses and employers will deliver master classes and a ‘day in the life’ sessions

  • The opportunity to relate what they learn through expeditions to their life and careers beyond school

  • Regular opportunities to talk through their career and educational choices with expedition teachers, learning coaches, crew leaders, assistant principles and the careers lead.

  • Access to one-to-one guidance with a trained, impartial careers lead every year at XP. Further meetings upon request and access to an adviser independent of the school can also be requested.

  • The school to keep parents/carers informed of their progress and provide parents/carers with information to support students’ career planning and decision-making. Learners will also be expected to include careers from the expeditions in their SLC to parents/carers. Parents/carers can attend careers meetings, by prior arrangement. The evidence will be recorded in the learners start profile which can be viewed at any time by parents or employers

  • To be asked their views and critique about the service they have received to ensure that the service continues to meet the needs of the learners.