XP/ XP East Careers HQ

“At XP trust we enable our students to develop the confidence and skill to prepare them to be activists beyond XP on their next steps in their education and beyond. 

We raise aspirations by giving our students equitable opportunities to engage with and contribute to the community. 

We develop Leaders of their own learning, joining head, hand and heart to create the best version of themselves.”

XP Careers Lead


Mrs. Kathryn Burns; kburns@xpschool.org

01302 898792 

At XP we have always had careers at the heart of our expeditions whether it's working together with experts, out on fieldwork or creating our products.  Given the importance of our careers, its time to further develop and improve our programme throughout the school.

Working in partnership with DMBC Careers Hub, Doncaster Chambers, Doncaster Skills Academy and Higher Education Progression Partnership (HEPP); XP are committed to providing all our students with a comprehensive programme of Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG).  We are committed to preparing our young people to be successful in the modern world therefore all students across XP will take part in a Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) programme that:

Who can I talk to about Careers?

If you want more advice about different careers there are a range of people in the School that are more than happy to talk to you

For general information, we also have a careers information board and careers area within the Library. 

For further information about Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance at XP School  see Careers Policy

If you are a college, independent training provider or employer who would like to deliver to or work with the pupils at XP & XP East Schools to support our CIAEG curriculum, please complete this form to make initial contact with our Careers Lead - Kathryn Burns or email kburns@xpschool.org or phone 01302 898792 and please click here to read our Provider Access Statement and Policy.


Every student has a login for START profile, which can be accessed via the link above. 

This software will help you to explore the world of work, help you decide which subjects to study at GCSE and beyond.  By creating your own profile, a list of job roles specifically matched to your personal skills & qualities, likes & dislikes will be produced for you to explore further.  With lots of videos of local people in each sector to explain more about what different jobs are really like.

Our library now features a bespoke 'CAREERS HUB' area that all our students can access on a daily basis.  The area is packed with guides on career options and apprenticeships, books on a number of featured careers provided by how2become.com, university prospectuses, information booklets on higher education provided by HEPP as well as Mac access for further online research.