Theology of the Body

Gifts of Holy Spirit

Given at Baptism, strengthened through Confirmation.

Wisdom - the ability to recognize the importance of keeping God central in our lives. 

Understanding - the ability to comprehend the meaning of God’s message. 

Knowledge - helps us know what God asks of us and how we should respond.

Counsel - helps us make correct choices through reflection, discernment, consulting, and advising of others.

Fortitude - strength/courage to do the right thing even when it is difficult.

Piety - reverence and how we love God. Calls us to be faithful in our relationships with God and others.

Fear of the Lord - wonder and awe in the presence of God because we recognize His greatness and we never want to lose His presence in our life.

Fruits of Holy Spirit

The ways in which we witness to our faith in Jesus Christ.

Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control, modesty, chastity, generosity.

VIRTUE - An attitude or way of acting that enables us to do good. A habit of doing good that moves us closer to Jesus. Since virtues are habits, they need to be practiced, they can be lost if they are neglected. Virtues are gifts from God.

THEOLOGICAL VIRTUE - comes as a gift from God and leads us to God.  We receive virtues through grace by means of the sacraments.

FAITH - the power to believe in God and all that He has revealed through Christ and the Church.  Faith is necessary for salvation.  

HOPE - the ability to trust in God.  Hope tells us that God, who promised heaven to us, will give us all the strength we need to get there.  

CHARITY - love - the power by which we love God above all things and our neighbor as ourselves.  It is the bond of friendship between God and man.  

CARDINAL VIRTUE - Human virtues acquired by education and good action.  By practicing them we become virtuous and are strengthened to do great things out of love for God.  

PRUDENCE - the ability to make the right choices in life, good decisions.  Prudence tells us the way and tells us what to do in order to be faithful to Jesus.  

JUSTICE - the virtue which helps us to live honestly by respecting the rights of others.  Treat others fairly.  The just person gives to everyone what he deserves in the eyes of God.

FORTITUDE - the virtue that helps us to face every difficulty or danger with inner peace and courage.  Strength.  That we may be strong in our determination to do what is right.  

TEMPERANCE - the power to control ourselves, self control.  Keeping our attractions to pleasure in control.  


Church teaching identifies seven particularly harmful sins.  They are serious sins that lead to and reinforce all sorts of other sinful action, thoughts and omissions.  The sins are considered deadly because they increase our tendency to sin and cause us to turn away more and more from God.  

PRIDE - Believing you are better than others, often resulting in disrespecting other people.  Excessive self esteem and a desire to be noticed by others.  

GREED(avarice) - Hoarding money and things.  The desire for possessing things we don’t have simply for the sake of having it, not because we need it.  

ENVY - Resentment that we direct at others who have some success, thing or privilege that we want for ourselves.  The desire for what others have simply because they have it and we don’t.  

WRATH - Strong anger that makes us want to seek revenge and prevents reconciliation.  A desire for vengeance that leads us to want to harm another person.  

LUST - USE Undisciplined, unchecked desire for self enjoyment, especially of a sexual nature.  

GLUTTONY - Excessive eating or drinking or excessive use of stuff. 

SLOTH - Habitual laziness, failing to put forth effort and take action.  A lack of effort in working at our relationship with God and others.