Chapter 9 

Christians of the Early Middle Ages

Memorize this prayer

by Thursday, March 7

Prayer to Know One’s Vocation

Grace God,

You have called me to life

and gifted me in many ways.

Through Baptism You have sent me

to continue the mission of Jesus

by sharing my love with others.

Strengthen me to respond to

Your call each day.

Help me to become all You desire of me.

Inspire me to make a difference in

others’ lives.

Lead me to choose the way. 


Advent - page 278-279

Christmas - page 282

Epiphany - page 283 and What the Magi can teach us.

Ecumenisn, Dr Rev Martin Luther King Jr, Pro Life, Pilgrimmage, Virtues, the Holy Spirit


Chapter 9 Vocabulary

Schism 1054

Liturgy of the Hours

Benedicts Rule for Monasteries included living a life of prayer. He instituted the praying at specific hours of the day for all those in Monastery and eventually all in ordained ministry. Praying the Breviary/Divine Office/Liturgy of the Hours/ Opus Dei is designed to keep the whole day holy. It is a way that all Religious live out their vocational promise to live prayerful lives.

Gifts of Holy Spirit

Given at Baptism, strengthened through Confirmation.

Wisdom - the ability to recognize the importance of keeping God central in our lives. 

Understanding - the ability to comprehend the meaning of God’s message. 

Knowledge - helps us know what God asks of us and how we should respond.

Counsel - helps us make correct choices through reflection, discernment, consulting, and advising of others.

Fortitude - strength/courage to do the right thing even when it is difficult.

Piety - reverence and how we love God. Calls us to be faithful in our relationships with God and others.

Fear of the Lord - wonder and awe in the presence of God because we recognize His greatness and we never want to lose His presence in our life.

Fruits of Holy Spirit

The ways in which we witness to our faith in Jesus Christ.

Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control, modesty, chastity, generosity.

Spontaneous Prayer

Liturgy of the Hours was included in the RULE of Saint Benedict of Nursia