
Week of  May 27 - May 31 WOW - none

Monday : Memorial Day

Tuesday : Mission Statements

Wednesday : Graduation practice and Erb Park

Thursday :  Graduation - 6:00pm

Friday : Happy Summer

Week of  May 20 - May 24 WOW - Benediction(of the Blessed Sacrament)

Monday : Post Reformation Saint Project(Google Classroom) DUE!, watch Modesty In the Real World, watch Modesty for Men, GimKit Virtues, Gifts and Fruits, discuss Lust Case Scenarios

Tuesday : Post Reformation Assessment, Service Hours DUE

Wednesday : complete Post Reformation Assessment

Thursday :  TOB Chapter 6

Friday : Portfolio of Holiness, part 2(Google Classroom)

Week of  May 13 - May 14 WOW - none

Monday : research Post Reformation Saint Project(Google Classroom), discuss Lust Case Studies

Tuesday : camp

Wednesday : camp

Thursday : camp

Friday :  No School

Week of  May 6 - May 10 WOW - Thurible

Monday : No School

Tuesday : assign Post Reformation Saint Project(Google Classroom), discuss Disciple of Christ Virtues

Wednesday : research Post Reformation Saint Project(Google Classroom), 

Thursday :  research Post Reformation Saint Project(Google Classroom)

Friday :  complete Post Reformation Saint Project(Google Classroom), 

Week of  April 29 - May 3 WOW - Levitate

Monday : read Ephesians 5:21-33, discuss Cross Project(Google Classroom),  discuss 4th Quarter Class Prayer, discuss Post Reformation Saint Project, read TOB(Chapter 5, pages 59-60), 

Tuesday : read TOB(Chapter 5, pages 61), complete Review Questions, review Virtues,

Wednesday : review Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit, pray the Rosary

Thursday :  ACRE Test - ONLY in class

Friday :  Post Reformation Saint name DUE, Chapter 5 Vocabulary DUE, Chapter 5 Understanding Check, assign Lust Case Studies,

Week of  April 22 - April 26 WOW - Stigmata

Monday : Ledgeview Cave Field Trip

Tuesday : begin Theology of the Body(Chapter 5), review Theology of the Body 7th Grade, assign Chapter 5 Vocabulary

Wednesday : Chapter 12 Test back - corrections DUE Friday, finish watching Fr Mike TOB, read TOB(Chapter 5, pages 52-53) Complimentarity

Thursday :  read TOB(Chapter 5, pages 54-56), assign Cross Project(Google Classroom),  assign 4th Quarter Class Prayer

Friday :  optional Complimentarity Snack(DUE), Deadly Sin GimKit, read TOB(Chapter 5, pages 57-59),

Week of  April 15 - April 19 WOW - Omnipotent

Monday : Church List DUE, complete Mission Statements(Google Classroom)

Tuesday :  read A spirit of reform sweeps Europe and Defending the Faith(page 130), discuss Social Media(Google Classroom)

Wednesday : read The Church responds with the Counter-Reformation(page 130), Pray an Examen

Thursday :  complete review Questions Chapter 12, Blooket Chapter 12, watch Fr Mike Aren't All of the Churches the Same?,

Friday : Chapter 12 Vocabulary DUE, Chapter 12 Test, watch How does Someone Become Catholic? The RCIA process

Week of  April 8 - April 12 WOW - Aspergillum

Monday :  review Chapter 11(Vocabulary and Questions), discuss The Great Schism of the West, read 4 Marks of the Church(pages 230-231)

Tuesday :  assign Church List, review Chapter 11 vocabulary, draw 4 Marks of the Church

Wednesday : Chapter 11 Understanding Check, Chapter 11 Vocabulary DUE, begin Chapter 12, assign Chapter 12 Vocabulary

Thursday :  assign Chapter 12 vocabulary, read Abuses and scandals weaken the Church and Faith and good works(page 128), read Ephesians 2:4-10, complete Social Media question(Google classroom)

Friday :  read The Church faces the Protestant Reformation(page 129), read Indulgence Documents(Google Classroom)

Week of  March 25 - March 29 WOW - Humeral Veil

Monday :  World Religion TEST part 1 and part 2, this test is open notes

Tuesday :  read Chapter 11(pages 118-121), assign Chapter 11 Vocabulary, assign Chapter 11 Questions, plan April Liturgys

Wednesday : Chapter 11 Questions DUE, watch Holy Week in 3 Minutes,

Thursday :  hours 1-4,  discuss 4 Marks of the Church(pages 230-231), Holy Thursday - early dismissal

Friday :  Good Friday - no school

Week of  March 18 - March 22 WOW - Paschal Mystery

Monday :  World Religion Presentations students are expected to take notes on every presentation

Tuesday :  finish World Religion Presentations students are expected to take notes on every presentation

Wednesday :  RECONCILIATION during 2nd and 3rd hour,  Math Bowl

Thursday : finish World Religion Presentations students are expected to take notes on every presentation

Friday :   review World Religions

Week of  March 11 - March 15 WOW - Hypocrite

Monday : World Religions project DUE!!, review Sacraments, complete Mercy Worksheet

Tuesday : watch Fr Mike: Aren't All Religions the Same?, Sacrament Understanding Check(Google Classroom)

Wednesday :  begin World Religion Presentations students are expected to take notes on every presentation

Thursday :  World Religion Presentations students are expected to take notes on every presentation

Friday :  end of 3rd Quarter - No School!

Week of  March 4 - March 8 WOW - Viaticum

Monday : research World Religions(Google Classroom)

Tuesday : research World Religions(Google Classroom)

Wednesday : Guidance on Empathy

Thursday :  Prayer to Know Your Vocation due MEMORIZED!!, research World Religions(Google Classroom)

Friday :  research World Religions(Google Classroom)

Week of  February  26 - March 1 WOW - ineffable

Monday : pray Chaplet of Divine Mercy, finish Work of Mercy Storyboard(Google Classroom)

Tuesday : EXTRA CREDIT Sacrament Photo(Google Classroom) DUE, review Chapter 10, Work of Mercy Storyboard(Google Classroom) DUE

Wednesday :  Test Chapter 10, Chapter 10 Vocabulary DUE

Thursday : share Work of Mercy Storyboards, introduce World Religions

Friday :  begin researching World Religions(Google Classroom)

Week of  February  19 - February 23 WOW - 4 Marks of the Church

Monday : read The Church fights to recover the Holy Land(page 108),  read The Church struggles with coruption(page 109), review 7 Deadly Sins

Tuesday : Act Out 7 Deadly Sins, explain the Process of Selecting a Pope(How a New Pope is Chosen and Ten Things to Know about Electing the Pope Google Classroom)

Wednesday :  discuss Sacraments(read page 238-239), assign EXTRA CREDIT Sacrament Photo(Google Classroom), 

Thursday : read Fearing heresy, the Church launches the Inquisition(page 110), act out the Inquisition, read Friars Witness to Christ(page 111), discuss Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy

Friday : Works of Mercy Storyboard That(Google Classroom)

Week of  February  12 - February 16 WOW - Canon Law

Monday :  watch Fr Mike Preparing for Lent,  complete Virtual Field Trip(Google Classroom)

Tuesday :  watch Lent in 3 Minutes, Journal on Prayer Fasting and Almsgiving(Google Classroom), finish Virtual Field Trip(Google Classroom),

Wednesday :  discuss Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving, go thru Virtual Field Trip, read Precepts of the Church(page 306)

Thursday :  Catholic Social Teaching review,

Friday :  Catholic Social Teaching Understanding Check

Week of  February  5 - February 9 WOW - Excommunicate

Monday :  read page 107,  assign Chapter 10 Vocabulary, Catholic Social Teaching(Google Classroom) 

Tuesday :  discuss Catholic Social Teaching(Google Classroom) DUE

Wednesday :  review defintion of a Christian(page 80), read Precepts of the Church(page 306)

Thursday :  Parent Teacher Conferences No School!

Friday :  No School!

Week of January 29 - February 2 WOW - Pilgrimage

Monday :  discuss Charisms, Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit, pray Liturgy of the Hours, watch Br Casey

Tuesday :  review Chapter 9, read That All May Be One

Wednesday :  Chapter 9 Test, Chapter 9 Vocabulary DUE, Virtue Vocabulary DUE,  read That All May Be One

Thursday :  discuss Carlos Acutis, watch Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires, Catholic Social Teaching(Google Classroom)

Friday :  read page 107,  assign Chapter 10 Vocabulary, Catholic Social Teaching(Google Classroom) DUE Monday

Week of January 22 - January 26 WOW - Roman Missal

Monday :  Monastery Search Questions(Google Classroom), add VIRTUES to Portfolio of Holiness, Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children, January 22, 2024, read Life Matters, God's Final Word on the Subject

Tuesday :  read  Charlemagne strengthens the Church(page 100) and Forms of Prayer(page 100), VIRTUES DUE

Wednesday :  review Monastery Questions(Google Classroom), How can you LOVE your neighbor? write CHARLEMAGNE with 11 facts about him!

Thursday :  discuss ECUMENISM, read The Church encounters division(page 101), complete Venn Diagram on the Great Schism

Friday :  watch Pope's January Prayer Video, Summary of Pope's Video, discuss Charisms of the Holy Spirit(worksheets in class or Google Classroom)

Week of January 15 - January 19 WOW - Epiclesis

Monday :  complete  Martin Luther King Jr Day, review Retreat(Cathedral, museum and St Norbert Abbey), Virtue Worksheet

Tuesday :  Virtue Worksheet DUE! begin Chapter 9 - Christians of the Early Middle Ages, assign Vocabulary,

Wednesday :   read Monasteries are extablished throughout the Christian world and Monastic life(page 98), read The Church brings the Good News to pagan tribes(page 99), VIRTUE Quiz

Thursday :  Monastery Search Questions(Google Classroom), add VIRTUES to Portfolio of Holiness, discuss Ecumenism and March for Life

Friday :  No School, end of Quarter 2

Week of January 8 - January 12 WOW - Crosier

Monday :  review Epiphany(book), Journal(Google Classroom - only if not in class)

Tuesday :  sNoW dAy ❄️! 5 Service Hours DUE!!

Wednesday :  Christmas Kahoot, Virtue Blooket, begin Chapter 9 - Christians of the Early Middle Ages, assign Vocabulary, read Monasteries are extablished throughout the Christian world and Monastic life(page 98)

Thursday :  Diocesan Retreat - no classes

Friday :  sNoW dAy ❄️!

Week of January 1 - January 5 WOW - Epiphany

Monday :  No School

Tuesday :  No School

Wednesday :  discuss The 12 Days of Christmas,  discuss Virtues

Thursday :  review Chapter 8, discuss Virtues

Friday :  TEST Chapter 8(with notes), read During the Christmas Season we celebrate the manifestation of the Savior to all people(page 282 )  and Epiphany is an important part of celebrating Christmas(page 283) define incarnation, vigil, nativity, solemnity,  magi, epiphany, manifestation, importance of gold, frankincense and myrrh

Week of December 18 - December 22 WOW - Nativity

Monday : finish HOLY SPIRIT to Portfolio of Holiness(Google Classroom), review Seven Deadly Sins, read The Church defends the TRUTH(page 90), YOUCAT Truth

Tuesday :  read The Church is strengthened by her councils(page 91), build Nicene Creed

Wednesday :  read Romans 14, Review Chapter 8

Thursday :  Understanding Check Chapter 8(open notes), discuss Advent, Lectio Divina in Chapel

Friday : discuss The Common Good, watch Fr Mike on Joy


Week of December 11 - December 15 WOW - Emmanuel

Monday : Saint Interview Questions DUE, review Canonization Process, complete Saint Review

Tuesday :  Advent Escape Room(Google Classroom)

Wednesday :  Advent Escape Room(Google Classroom)

Thursday :  Vocabulary Chapter 8, read An empire turns to Christ and Saint Augustine(page 88), review Seven Deadly Sins

Friday :  review Seven Deadly Sins, read The Church relies on the Word of God(page 89), add HOLY SPIRIT to Portfolio of Holiness(Google Classroom)

Week of December 4 - December 8 WOW - Maranatha

Monday : watch Advent in 2 Minutes, read Advent a season of preparation for Christ's coming (page 278 ) ,  Saint Interviews ALL students are expected to answer the Saint Interview Questions

Tuesday :  dicuss Reconciliation and Adoration, Saint Interviews ALL students are expected to answer the Saint Interview Questions

Wednesday :  Reconciliaiton, Adoration and Living History Museum

Thursday :  assignment in Google Classsroom

Friday :  Saint Interviews ALL students are expected to answer the Saint Interview Questions, complete Saint Review

Week of November 27 - December 1 WOW - ENCYCLICAL

Monday : research Saint Interview Project(Google Classroom), Kahoot on Holy Spirit

Tuesday :  Saint Interview Project DUE, discuss Canonization Process(handout 1 and handout 2)

Wednesday :  Holy Spirit Understanding Check, read page 310 in book, 6 facts about St Francis Xavier

Thursday :  Saint Interviews begin, ALL students are expected to answer the Saint Interview Questions

Friday :  Saint Francis Xavier Day - Pray, Serve, Celebrate

Week of November 20 - November 24 WOW -

Monday : research Saint Interview Project(Google Classroom)

Tuesday :  research Saint Interview Project(Google Classroom), review Holy Spirit(Gifts, Fruits, symbols and names).

Wednesday :  no school

Thursday :  Happy Thanksgiving

Friday :  no school

Week of November 13 - November 17 WOW - Solidarity

Monday : assign and plan Acting Out Acts, assign Find a Saint (choose a Saint you wish to research who was born after 100AD and died before 1450AD, email Mrs Benthein the name and years of birth and death)

Tuesday :  perform Acting Out Acts, read Saul's Conversion Story(Acts  9)

Wednesday :  perform Acting Out Acts, read Saul's Conversion Story(Acts  9), read The Church meets at the Council of Jerusalem(page 80),  Find a Saint DUE, Quizlet Vocabulary Review

Thursday :  Review Chapter 7, Acting Out Acts questions DUE, assign Saint Interview Project(Google Classroom)

Friday :  Test Chapter 7, Chapter 7 Vocabulary DUE, begin Saint Interview Project(Google Classroom)

Week of November 6 - November 10 WOW - Solidarity

Monday : correct Communion of Saints Questions, discuss 10 Commandments and Holy Spirit Gifts and Fruits, Purgatory, read The Church is inspired by the Holy Spirit and Magisterium(page81)

Tuesday : Religious Item Show and Tell!! 

Wednesday :  Vocations Day Field Trip,  Vocations Journal(Google Classroom)

Thursday :  No School, parent teacher conferences

Friday :   No School

Week of October 30 - November 3 WOW - Incarnate

Monday : discuss and draw Holy Spirit, answer YouCat Questions(Google Classroom), share Portfolio to Holiness, read the Story of Pentecost(Acts of the Apostles 2:1-31)

Tuesday : finish Story of Pentecost(Acts of the Apostles 2:1-31), discuss Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit, discuss All Hallows Eve, 

Wednesday :  read Early Christians are martyred for their faith and Saints Peter and Paul(page 79), review Pentecost, Holy Spirit(Gifts and Fruits), complete 10 Commandment Kahoot

Thursday :  discuss All Saints Day and All Souls Day and Communion of Saints, answer Questions

Friday :   10 Commandment understanding check, Purgatory(Google Classroom)

Week of October 23 -October 27 WOW - Magisterium

Monday :  complete Portfolio to Holiness(Google Classroom)

Tuesday :  Journal on Human Dignity and Sin(Google Classroom), begin Chapter 7 - The Early Church, read page 77(community), 

Wednesday :  Portfolio to Holiness(Google Classroom) DUE, discuss Call of Apostles(John 1:35-51, Luke 6:12-16, Mark 3:13-19, Matthew 10:1-4), assign 12 Apostles Roll Call(Google Classroom), read The Church's ministry begins and grows(page 78)

Thursday :  discuss Holy Spirit, answer YouCat Questions(Google Classroom), share Portfolio to Holiness, read the Story of Pentecost(Acts of the Apostles 2:1-31)

Friday :  No School end quarter 1

Week of October 16 -October 20 WOW - Consubstantial

Monday : How do I WITNESS to my FAITH?(Google Classroom), worksheet The Ten Commandments and The Conscience: God's Voice Within DUE, 

Tuesday :  Kahoot on SIN, assign Portfolio to Holiness(Google Classroom)

Wednesday :  Portfolio to Holiness(Google Classroom)

Thursday :  Portfolio to Holiness(Google Classroom), Chapter 1 Review

Friday :  Chapter 1 Vocabulary DUE, Chapter 1 TestPortfolio to Holiness(Google Classroom)

Week of October 9 -October 13 WOW - blasphemy

Monday : read God forgives our sins(page 15), discuss 10 Commandments, Greatest Commandments, edit Morning Prayer(Google Classroom)

Tuesday :  discuss 10 Commandments(Deuternomy 5:6-21 and Exodus 20:2-17) page 34, discuss Greatest Commandments(Matthew 22:36-40, Mark 12:28-32, Luke 10:25-27), discuss Sin, Venial, Mortal

Wednesday : discuss 10 Commandments(Deuternomy 5:6-21 and Exodus 20:2-17) page 34, discuss 7 Deadly Sins, Chapel to pray an Examination of Conscience,

Thursday :  watch Holiness,  read We live holy lives(page 16), Chapel to pray an Examination of Conscience,

Friday :  read We Give Witness to Jesus(page 17), WWJD - witnessing to our FAITH, assign worksheet The Ten Commandments and The Conscience: God's Voice Within

Week of October  2 -October 6 WOW - decalogue

Monday : Contemplative Coloring Page DUE, Prayer Test Corrections DUE, chalk Prayers outside, practice Praise Jesus Parody(Google Classroom),

Tuesday :  perform Praise Jesus Parody(Google Classroom), introduce Salvation History

Wednesday : finish performing Praise Jesus Parody(Google Classroom), discuss Salvation History

Thursday : discuss Salvation History,  introduce Chapter 1 - We Respond to God's Love(page 13), assign Chapter 1 Vocabulary

Friday :  read We reflect the goodness of God(page 14), read Creation Story and answer questions , discuss An Examination of Conscience(page 14)

Week of September 25 - September 29 WOW - sanctify

Monday : assign Praise Jesus Parody(Google Classroom), assign Holy Spirit Prayer(due memorized October 19)

Tuesday :  create Praise Jesus Parody(Google Classroom)

Wednesday : complete Praise Jesus Parody(Google Classroom)

Thursday :  Religion Virtual Scavenger Hunt(Google Classroom), EdPuzzle Salvation History(Google Classroom)

Friday :  No School

Week of September 18 - September 22 WOW - suplication

Monday : discuss How to Pray, pray for Pope Francis' September Intention

Tuesday : Church Picture DUE, assign Morning Prayer(Google Classroom)

Wednesday :  print Morning Prayer(Google Classroom) and label Prayer Froms

Thursday :  review for Prayer Test, Quizlet and Prayer Review

Friday :  Morning Prayer(Google Classroom) DUE, Prayer Vocabulary DUE,  Prayer Test, introduce Praise Jesus Parody(Google Classroom)

Week of September 11 - September 15 WOW - humility

Monday : read The Church witnesses to Christ by praying at all times(page 241), discuss Grace

Tuesday : read Witnesses in prayer(page 241), discuss Being a witness of your Faith, begin Prayer Forms Presentation, assign Prayer Forms Worksheet

Wednesday :  finish Prayer Forms Presentation and Prayer Forms Worksheet

Thursday :  pray Liturgy of  the Hours(Divine Office), work on Prayer Forms Worksheet, discuss Pope Francis September Prayer Intention

Friday :Prayer Forms Worksheet DUE, pray a Litany, Prayer Quiz Game PIN: 02380597 

Tuesday, September 19 - Church Picture DUE

Week of September 4 - September 8

Monday : no school

Tuesday : 5+ line prayer DUE today, create a Prayer Presentation(assigned in Google Classroom)

Wednesday : Parent Letter DUE signed, introduce Prayer Unit with Prayer Vocabulary, complete Church Survey(Google classroom), finish Prayer Presentation(Google Classroom)

Thursday : Prayer Presentation DUE, discuss Liturgy and An Overview of the Mass, plan Class Liturgy, complete Church Survey(Google classroom)

Friday : read Prayer and the Liturgy nourish our relationship with God(page 240), define 6 Prayer Forms(Blessing, Petition, Contrition, Intercession, Thanksgiving, Praise)

Week of August 28 - September 1

Monday : no school

Tuesday : no school

Wednesday : distribute Parent Letter and  Service Hour Form, introduce Prayer Unit with Seven Word Prayer

Thursday : assign Church Picture,  log into Google Classroom, assign FIND a 5+ line prayer(Google Classroom), Kahoot

Friday : Lectio(Hallow) John 3:1-3 in Chapel, What is Liturgy(YouCat 167, 168, 169), Liturgy expectations