Chapter 8 - Christians of the Roman Empire

Spontaneous Prayer - student lead, begins Monday, January 8! 

Everyone will lead us in spontaneous prayer - if you need to you can write it down ahead of time!

Review FORMS of prayer - praise, blessing, thanksgiving, petition, intercession, adoration

REMEMBER prayer is having a loving conversation with God, Father, Son or Holy Spirit.

SPONTANEOUS PRAYER is part of having a loving friendship with God. 

Questions about St Augustine.

1. How do we honor St Augustine today?

2. Where was he Bishop?

3. What is a pagan? 

4. Who is his mother? 

5. What did his mother pray for?

6. Were her prayers answered? 

7. What is The Confessions? 

8. What did his writings express? 

9. Why is God a mystery? 

How Does Someone Become a Saint
Ecumenical Councils

Church Fathers

Augustine - explored the mystery of God and expressed a deep faith and love of Jesus Christ which built up the faith of the Church.

Origen - studied and explained Scripture.

Tertullian - developed a vocabulary of terms with which to describe the faith.

St John Chrysostom - a great preacher whose name means golden-mouthed.

St Jerome - translated the Bible into Latin.

Chapter 8 Vocabulary

Chapter 8

Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit

Seven Deadly Sins