
8th Grade Service Hour Requirement

Each student is required to perform 5 hours of service per semester.  

Semester 1  service hours are due on Tuesday,  January 9, 2024


Semester service hours are due on TuesdayMay 21, 2024.

The service can be for Church, School or Community.  

Service Report Form(link)

Service is a great way to get students involved in their faith - serving others as Jesus did.

To always be close to Jesus, that is my life plan. 

Blessed Carlos Acutis

It's not enough to know Christ, we must bring him to everyone! 

  St Pope John Paul II 

It's not about how much you do, but how much love you put into what you do that counts. 

St Mother Teresa

We can believe what we choose. We are answerable for what we choose to believe.

St John Henry Newman 

8th Grade Liturgy Schedule

We welcome you

to join us for our weekly Liturgy

at 9:25 each Tuesday.


Each 8th grader will take part

in the planning and/or participation

of an upcoming Liturgy.

September 12 - Religion hour 2

September 19 - Religion hour 3

September 26 - Religion hour 4

October 10 - Religion hour 7

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Memorize by Thursday, October 19, 2023

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful.

And kindle in them the fire of your love.

Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.

And you will renew the face of the earth. 

Lord, by the light of the Holy Spirit 

you have taught the hearts of your faithful.

In the same Spirit help us to relish what is right 

and always rejoice in your consolation.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Memorize this prayer

by Thursday, March 7, 2024

Prayer to Know One’s Vocation

Grace God,

You have called me to life

and gifted me in many ways.

Through Baptism You have sent me

to continue the mission of Jesus

by sharing my love with others.

Strengthen me to respond to

Your call each day.

Help me to become all You desire of me.

Inspire me to make a difference in

others’ lives.

Lead me to choose the way. 


Weighted Grades

Projects 40%

Homework 10%

Quiz 15%

Test 25%

Participation 10%

At Xavier Middle School, 8th Grade Religion covers the history of the Catholic Church from its beginning to the present day. Students learn who, when, why, and how Church traditions were formed to better understand and deepen their own faith. Prayer, world religions, Marks of the Church, Trinity, Catholic Social Teaching, laws of the Church, and other doctrines are studied in the curriculum. Articles from The Compass, the Green Bay Diocesan Newspaper, are read and discussed on a regular basis. Students express their faith through participation in daily prayer, prayer services, liturgies, and retreats. Theology of the Body is also a part of the religion program. Projects will be done on prayer, the Saints, and world religions. Completing five hours of community service each semester is expected. Students are encouraged to witness to their faith in their daily lives.