Food Service

The Wyoming Girls School participates in the USDA Federal School Lunch and Breakfast Program aligns to guidelines and expectations. We strive to serve healthy, nutritious meals for all residents. We offer a vocational program to residents who are eligible to work full-time as kitchen aides. Through the education department, a horticulture class is offered which includes an on-campus greenhouse and garden. The produce harvested is incorporated into the food service program allowing our residents to experience the process of farm-to-school. The Food Service staff is responsible for overseeing the meals and snacks on a daily basis.

The Wyoming Girls School implements the following Wellness Policy: Wellness (Residents) # 5.G.8. This wellness program has a nutrition education expectation portion, which is taught to all students annually. This nutrition class, Centi$ible Nutrition, is taught by a University of Wyoming, Department of Agriculture Extension Educator. In addition, the Girls School is a fully accredited school and all students participate in physical activity and health class. All staff utilize the required trainings, classes and wellness program to ensure that the students expand their life skills opportunities to change and improve their future in order to instill success when discharged.

Brenda Caiola, Supervisor - (307) 675- 3035