The Great Kindness Challenge

The Great Kindness Challenge presents a Social Emotional Learning opportunity for our students to flex their kindness muscles by engaging in acts of kindness at school, at home, and within our community. This challenge is a proactive and positive bullying intervention program that improves school climate and promotes student engagement. This year we will be honoring this week from January 25th through the 29th, 2021. Students will be provided a list of ideas to launch this initiative but are encouraged to think of their own acts of kindness....the sky is the limit! We CAN change the world one kind act at a time and are excited about developing this skill in our students. Kindness and empathy are life skills that are important in successfully navigating everyday life. This character trait fosters positive interpersonal skills, decreases stress and conflict, and promotes a positive and grateful mindset. For more information on this national initiative click here .

Kindness Challenge Resources

Great Kindness Challenge Checklist