Posting a PDF Newsletter

In the example below, I will walk you through posting an PDF newsletter to the district website. I will be using Cottonwoods website as my example as the screenshots below will show. 

To start, You will need to make a PDF of your newsletter from whatever program you use to create the newsletter. Whether that is from Microsoft Publisher or Canva, you will need to export it as a PDF. We will not be covering that in this website training. Once you have the PDF, you will need to upload it to the "Assets" section of the website.

To start, login to the website District Website Admin with your email address and password you created for this site. (If you forgot your password, click the "Forgot Password?" link on the login page and follow the directions sent to your email. See the picture below for reference:

In the left navigation bar, click on "Assets". Make sure that you have the correct school from the dropdown shown in the screenshot below. Most of you only have access to your buildings website but do make sure your school is selected in this dropdown as seen in the screenshot below:

To find the right place to upload and store your newsletter on the website, you will need to open up the "Miscellaneous" dropdown on the left hand side of the navigation. To open them you'll need to click the little arrow icon next to the text. This is called a "Carrot". Then open up "Schools", open up your school, and then select the "Newsletters" folder. This is the location you put your newlsetters. See the screenshot below for reference:

You may have some subfolders by year. Be sure to upload your newsletters into the correct school year folder.

Once in the correct folder, click the red "Upload Files" button. Then, navigate to wherever you exported your newsletter as a PDF and select "Open" from the window that popped up.

Here is what the screen will look like after the file is uploaded successfully:

Now that your Newsletter has been uploaded to the website, you will need to add it to the actual Newsletter page on the website. To do this, complete the following steps.

In the left navigation, click on "Entries". Then click again in the left click on "Pages" and then click the entry for your "Newsletters" asd seen in the screenshot below:

Then, scroll down to the section labeled "Accordions". This is the section you will add your newsletters to. Eventually, you will have a long list of your newsletters posted every week, month, or however often you post them. In the example, There is only one previous newsletter for the 2023-2024 school year from July 25th, and we are posting the "August 1, 2023 newsletter.

In this "Accordion" section, click your mouse at the end of the last entry. (Newsletters are posted from the first newsletter of the school year, to the latest newsletter at the bottom of the list). Then hit the "Return" or "Enter" key on your keyboard to make a new line. Then, Click on the "Link" button. This button is in between the "Table" and "Picture" button, and then click the "Link to an asset" option. See screenshot below:

You'll notice that the window that pops up may look similar to the first part of this tutorial. That's because it now brings up the asset section of the website where we uploaded the Newsletter! Use the navigations on the left hand side remembering to use the little arrow icon "Carrot" to open up these sections to reveal more.

Navigate to Miscellaneous>Schools>YOURSCHOOL>Newsletters>SCHOOLYEAR. Highlight the correct newsletter that you want posted by clicking the file and click the red "Select" button. note: This example is the August1, 2023 Newsletter.

Then in the next smaller window, you will need to insert some text in the "Text" field. This is the text that will be displayed. For consistency with all of the other newsletters make it the same so for this example the text was "August 1, 2023 ENGLISH". Then, select the "Open link in new tab" checkbox, andlast, visually check that the correct site is in the "Site" dropdown. (For this example we are modifying the Cottonwood newsletters so be sure it says Cottonwood. This will vary for what school you're adding the newsletter to).

All that's left to do is hit the Red "Save" button at the top of the website. Then, double check your work! Go to the Newsletters page on the website and try clicking the link you just created and verify it is correct and works as intended. Make sure it does open the link you click in a new window.

That's it! You have successfully posted your PDF Newsletter to the website!