Mailbox Full

Have you ever gotten the message that your Inbox is "Full" or "Near its storage limit"? This guide will walk you through what to do, where to look, and how to reclaim your inbox storage space.

There are a couple of places you will need to look within your mailbox as well as your calendar to free up space.

  • Go through your inbox and delete anything from your inbox that you no longer need

  • Be sure to delete any emails within the nested folders of your "Inbox". There is a little drop down arrow next to the word "Inbox" That will open up any nested folders you have for organization. (See picture below):

  • Go through your junk email folder, as well as any other drafts you have and delete those.

  • Go through and delete all of your sent emails as those take up storage as well.

  • After you have gone through all of that, you will need to delete your "Deleted Items" folder.

  • Check your calendar and delete any events you no longer need. These take up your storage space. Especially any calendar invites you have created or received that contained any attachments. Those will quickly eat away at your available space unknowingly.

  • The pictures below will walk you through changing your outlook "View" so that it displays a list of all of your calendar invites. This makes it so much easier to mass select calendar events so that you do not have to delete them one by one.

  • In your Outlook Calendar, Select the "View" tab

  • Then, Select the "Change View" button

  • Select the "List" view button

  • You are now viewing all of your calendar events in a "List" view and should look like picture below:

**To change your calendar view back from the list view, just go back to the "View" tab in the top ribbon, select the "Change View" button, and finally click the "Calendar" button.**

By doing all of this, you should regain a bunch of storage back. Just be sure to delete as much as possible. And don't worry about accidentally deleting something you didn't mean to, every email sent and received in our district is archived, and you can easily find those emails again with our archiver.