Honors English 1 

Blocks 2 & 3

Course Overview

What is literature? Is literature life, and life literature? Does what we do define us? How do the concepts of fate and destiny have an impact on our daily lives? Do we have choices? What happens if we make a mistake? Can we find redemption? These are some of the ideas and questions we will explore in English 1: Honors. We'll be looking at a variety of texts, both fiction and nonfiction, songs, short stories, poetry, and films. We'll also strengthen your analysis skills through frequent writing assignments, discussion of the readings, and regular study of grammar and vocabulary. 

Since you get out of your education what you put into it, it is imperative that you take your work seriously and come prepared to discuss the readings. While we do not have a Harkness-style table in our classroom (you’ll know more about what that means as the semester progresses), I do expect that we will respect each other and the work that we do in our classroom community by taking the responsibility to be prepared to engage in what I hope will be a rewarding, rigorous, and relevant curriculum.

For more details about the course, please view the syllabus below. 

Honors Eng 1 Syllabus Spring 2024