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Policy Statement on diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

NYSED Diversity and Inclusion.pdf
NYSED DRAFT- Framework (DEI).pdf

Draft Framework : Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

APRIL 12, 2021For More Information Contact:JP O’Hare or Jeanne Beattie(518) 474-1201www.nysed.gov

New York State Board of Regents Launches an Initiative to Advance Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in New York Schools

Board Releases Draft Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Framework and Call to Action for Schools Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Workgroup to be Formed Culturally Responsive & Sustaining Education Resources to be Released

The Board of Regents today launched an initiative to advance diversity, equity and inclusion in schools across the New York State, Chancellor Lester W. Young, Jr. announced. As the first step in the initiative, the Board released a draft framework and call to action for all schools in New York State to develop policies that advance diversity, equity and inclusion as a priority in their schools.

The Board’s initiative comes during a pivotal moment in the nation’s history, when the country appears ready to address its long history of racism and bigotry, and the corrosive impact they have had. The framework recognizes there is no single, isolated answer that will solve these pervasive problems; rather, the approach must be holistic and inclusive – and the Board of Regents, State Education Department and New York’s schools will be an integral part of the solution.

“After a year of turmoil and heartbreak, it is natural to wish for a ‘return to normal,’ but for far too many New Yorkers, the old normal is a place where people are traumatized daily by events, circumstances and the chronic lack of opportunities,” said Chancellor Lester W. Young, Jr.  “I recognize that the scope of our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Framework is daunting, but we cannot allow this opportunity for change to pass us by. We must seize this moment to redefine what is normal and possible for our students.  I thank all of our educators in advance for their commitment to this critical endeavor.”

“The pandemic has exposed and exacerbated long-standing inequities that exist throughout every facet of our society. People of color, economically disadvantaged people and especially women have been impacted hardest of all,” said Commissioner Betty A. Rosa.  “When it comes to creating a more equitable education system for all New Yorkers, I’m confident our educators and school leaders will answer this call to action and set the tone for sustainable change.”

The framework outlines a comprehensive approach to advance diversity, equity and inclusion in New York’s school including highlighting:

Through this framework, the Board of Regents is expressing its expectation that all school districts will develop policies that advance diversity, equity and inclusion – and that they implement such policies with fidelity and urgency. Specifically, the framework suggests that schools adopt and implement policies that take a comprehensive approach and considers the entirety of the schooling process, from Governance, Teaching and Learning and Family and Community Engagement to Workforce Diversity (including practices and policies to recruit and retain a diverse workforce in all areas and levels), Diverse Schools and Learning Opportunities (even where the district’s student population is relatively homogeneous) and Student Supports, Discipline and Wellness.

As part of this work, schools may consider: Specifically acknowledging the role that racism and bigotry have played, and continue to play, in the American story;

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiative Next Steps: The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative is a multi-faceted and comprehensive approach to create an ecosystem of success built upon a foundation of diversity, equity, inclusion, access, opportunity, innovation, trust, respect, caring, relationship-building, and so much more. Through this work, the Board, Department and schools will examine and address the root causes of the persistent disparities that impact student and life outcomes. Further, the initiative aims to promote and perpetuate cultures, languages and ways of knowing that have been devalued, suppressed, and imperiled by years of educational, social, political, economic neglect and other forms of oppression.

As part of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiative, the Board and Department will:

Write on, NY!

Write on, NY! is a statewide writing initiative that promotes student writing and the Lifelong Practices of Writers. This initiative is a collaborative endeavor with New York State teachers, districts, and educational and professional organizations. Framed around the Lifelong Practices and featuring authentic exemplars of writing instruction, Write on, NY! provides instructional writing ideas, tools, and suggestions for teachers and educational leaders. As the Write on, NY! workgroup creates more resources, this website will expand. Thank you to the educators who have provided classroom examples for this initiative. Stay tuned for more resources!

Please contact the Office of Curriculum and Instruction at emscurric@nysed.gov if you have any questions.


Board of Regents Adopts First-Ever Learning Standards for Computer Science and Digital Fluency

This week, the Board of Regents adopted New York State’s first-ever K-12 Learning Standards for Computer Science and Digital Fluency. These standards will ensure that every student knows how to live productively and safely in a technology-dominated world, including understanding the essential features of digital technologies, why and how they work, and how to communicate and create using those technologies. The new standards are the culmination of a two-year, collaborative process that included New York State teachers and statewide experts on computer science and educational technology.


NYSED launched a Parent Dashboard to increase transparency and make information about school performance and other school-level data easier for parents and the public to access. The Parent Dashboard features a clean, simple design to better provide parents with information about their child’s school.

In 2019, NYSED gathered feedback from parents and stakeholders to guide the work of developing the Parent Dashboard. The data elements that parents ranked highest on the survey are available on the Parent Dashboard.

NYSED is now gathering additional feedback from parents and stakeholders to guide further enhancements to the Parent Dashboard. NYSED will use this feedback to identify the data that is most useful to parents and the public and to make improvements to the website. We invite parents and other stakeholders to explore the Parent Dashboard and then provide feedback via an online survey available in 17 languages.

The data on the Parent Dashboard will be updated annually. Additional education data is available on NYSED’s public data website, including detailed data on enrollment, assessments, graduation rates, and much more. Please visit NYSED’s Data Help Center for questions, comments, and feedback about the Parent Dashboard.

Correspondence from NYSED

To NYS Mathematics Educators:

To assist schools as they continue to engage in building capacity work in preparation for the implementation of the New York State Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards, the Office of Curriculum and Instruction has created a Professional Development Toolkit and PowerPoint that provides prepackaged instructional steps and guidelines to be used in conjunction with the guide: Aligning Local Curricula to the Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards (2017). The Toolkit and PowerPoint can be utilized to support locally held professional development sessions on aligning local mathematics curriculum to the Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards.

The Toolkit and guide are optional tools school districts and educators can use to help examine their current local curriculum and aid with aligning that curriculum to the Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards. Please contact the Office of Curriculum and Instruction at 518-474-5922 or standards@nysed.gov with any questions pertaining to the implementation of the Next Generation Learning Standards.

Questions about the 3-8 and Regents test development process or timeline should be directed to the Office of State Assessment at 518-474-5902 or emscassessinfo@nysed.gov.

Thank you,

The New York State Education Department


Dear colleagues,

The Office of Curriculum and Instruction has released new discipline specific Arts Standards Professional Development documents that include:

All documents are available on the Curriculum and Instruction Arts web page.

Questions regarding these resources can be directed to emscurric@nysed.gov.