Early Childhood

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Written especially for parents, Growing Readers provides monthly tips for raising strong readers and writers. Schools and PTAs can add these preformatted briefs to their parent newsletters. Growing Readers is also a great resource for libraries and community literacy organizations. MATERIALS AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH)

Head Start Resources

The resources are part of Head Start's Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) and are organized into four sections: Identifying Feelings, Fostering Empathy, Mental Health and Grief and Loss. (They remind us that the death of a loved one brings enormous challenges for the whole family.)

Check out the resources here


Equity and Social Justice in Early Childhood Education

by Principal Baruti Kafele, Ph.D.

Website: PrincipalKafele.com

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Milken National Educator, international-renowned speaker and best-selling author, Principal Baruti Kafele has excelled in the capacity of teacher and principal. As a teacher in NJ, he was selected as the district and county teacher of the year, and as a principal, he led the turnaround of four different New Jersey urban public schools, including Newark Tech, which was three times recognized by U.S. News and World Report Magazine as one of America's best high schools. Principal Kafele is the author of eleven books including his newly released Amazon best-seller, The Assistant Principal 50: Critical Questions for Meaningful Leadership and Professional Growth.

High-Quality Teaching in the Primary Grades

by Shannon Riley-Ayers, Ph.D.

Presentation Introduction (pdf)

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Primary teachers are well-positioned to provide engaging and playful experiences, child-directed learning, and opportunities for children to collaborate that are critical for student growth in all domains. Shannon Riley-Ayers, Ph.D., presents a video session recorded in November 2019 that will use data to paint the picture of the current state of instruction in kindergarten through third grade and identify opportunities for shifts in teaching to more effectively meet the needs of young learners. The practices shared will demonstrate academic rigor using developmentally appropriate practices. Shannon Riley-Ayers, Ph.D., Senior Program Officer at The Nicholson Foundation, has been working in early childhood education for her entire career of more than 20 years. She has extensive and varied experience in the early childhood field, spanning from the classroom, to the New Jersey State Department of Education, to national systems improvement. She holds an M.Ed. in Language and Literacy and a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the Pennsylvania State University.

New York State Education Department Office of Early Learning P-3  Resources

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The New York State Education Department Office of Early Learning P-3  Resources presentation is a compilation of information  available to support programs for students in prekindergarten through third grade.  The presentation includes tools programs can use for P-3 planning and implementation, standards and video resources, and links to other NYSED offices for information that support young children’s development and learning. 

Donkey Hodie | PBS LearningMediaDonkey Hodie online resources provide many opportunities for educators to introduce or reinforce social emotional curriculum. In every episode of this puppet series for 3-5-year-olds, Donkey Hodie and her pals, Purple Panda, Duck Duck and Bob Dog, empower preschoolers to dream big and overcome obstacles in their own lives, to work hard and persevere in the face of failure, to be resourceful and discover they are capable of solving problems on their own—and to laugh themselves silly along the way. The learning goals for Donkey Hodie focus on self-regulation and executive function skills, with an emphasis on resilience, persistence, and problem solving. The characters in the whimsical world of Someplace Else model ways to think about creative solutions to problems, which will, in turn, inspire our viewers as they tackle problem solving in their everyday lives. As they watch Donkey Hodie, kids will learn to face their fears and challenges with positivity, and enjoy the success that comes from trying hard and doing their best. The resources in this collection will help you explore the concepts introduced in Donkey Hodie with activity ideas, video clips, and digital games. Use these resources to help your students explore self-regulation and executive function skills -- the Donkey Hodie way!   ------------------------------- Los recursos en línea de Donkey Hodie brindan muchas oportunidades para que los educadores presenten o refuercen el currículo de aprendizaje socioemocional. En cada episodio de esta serie de títeres para niños de 3 a 5 años, Donkey Hodie y sus amigos, Purple Panda, Duck Duck y Bob Dog, inspiran a los niños en edad preescolar a que sueñen en grande, a que superen obstáculos en sus propias vidas, a que trabajen duro y perseveren ante el fracaso, a tener iniciativa y a descubrir que son capaces de resolver problemas por sí mismos — y a reír en el camino. Los objetivos de aprendizaje de Donkey Hodie se centran en la autorregulación y las habilidades de funciones ejecutivas, con énfasis en la resiliencia, la persistencia y la resolución de problemas. Los personajes del mundo de “Someplace Else” modelan formas de pensar en soluciones creativas a los problemas, lo que, a su vez, inspirará a nuestros espectadores a medida que exploran la resolución de conflictos en su vida cotidiana. Mientras ven Donkey Hodie, los niños aprenderán a enfrentar sus miedos y desafíos con positivismo, y disfrutarán del éxito que viene al esforzarse y al dar lo mejor de sí mismos. Los recursos de esta colección le ayudarán a explorar los conceptos presentados en Donkey Hodie con ideas para actividades, videoclips y juegos digitales. Utilice estos recursos para ayudar a sus estudiantes a explorar la autorregulación y las habilidades de funciones ejecutivas a la manera de Donkey Hodie.


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30 Day Lego Challenge.JPG