Transition Seminar
Transition Seminar is a course offered to juniors and seniors in Wachusett's special education program identified as requiring assistance with post secondary planning and the transition process. The course meets every other day for one semester. Upon completion, students receive 2.5 credits towards graduation. This class provides an overview of the postsecondary school opportunities available: including college, vocational/technical training, independent life skills, employment, and community participation with a focus on self- advocacy and self-determination skills.
For some students, high school transition planning may include connecting with the adult service agencies that may provide the student with services when he or she graduates or turns 22 years of age. This class is intended to support individual students’ visions as documented in the Transaction Planning Form attached to each student’s Individual Educational Plan.
Students enrolled in Transition Seminar will leave the class with a complete career portfolio intended for use when applying for college and or careers. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in field trips to local community colleges and or vocational programs, depending on student interest.