2023-24 PVG Volunteer Signup

PVG Mission

The Parent Volunteer Group (PVG) is an integral part of WPGA's long standing culture of giving, volunteerism and community-building. The PVG’s purpose is to support WPGA’s mission and strategic priorities and to help foster a strong, inclusive and engaged school community. 

The PVG aims to accomplish this by:

Committee Volunteer Opportunities

General Committees

Event Committees

*Committee Chairs will contact volunteers at the start of the year (for General Committees) or near the start of the event (for Event Committees; e.g. October for the November Pizza Day or May for the Teacher Staff Appreciation luncheon). If you have signed up but have not received a communication from the committee chair, please contact the chair directly or email pvgchair@wpga.ca

Committee Chair & Executive Positions

Are you interested in increasing your volunteer engagement at WPGA? Read about our chair and executive positions here

Prerequisite: You have already volunteered within the PVG, preferably with the committee you are interested in chairing. 

To submit your interest for a role, please fill out this form. Committee chair commitments are usually two year terms and may be co-chaired. 

Available Roles

There are currently no available committee chair roles 

2023-24 Committee Chairs

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a minimum number of hours I have to volunteer?
No! You can volunteer as little or as much as you like! 

Is there a maximum number of committees I can join?
No ... but 1) we don't want you to burn out and 2) we do want to make space for as many people to volunteer as possible. 

What happens if I cannot make my shift or life happens and I can no longer participate/volunteer?
If it is a one-off (e.g. you cannot make a playground duty shift one day), try to find a sub from within your committee members. If you need to permanently pull back from your role, please contact your committee chair so that a replacement can be found. 

Am I allowed to visit my child during my volunteering time?
You will inevitably catch a glimpse of your child(ren) while inside the school. A wave hello is perfectly fine! But we do ask that parents not interrupt the rhythm of the class time. 

Are there any opportunities to volunteer outside of school hours (e.g. for office/working parents)?
While many of the committees focus on activities that happen during school hours (shifts for Toonie Sale, Art Room, Playground or Library), there are opportunities to help out in the planning and organization based on your own schedule. For example, parents can help procure items for the Drama Committee, or sort Gift Cards, be a Grade Parent that handles email communication or collects the class donations, phone vendors for the Welcome Back celebration or Sports Day, or come for the Movie Nights and help with clean-up.  Contact the Committee Chairs to see how you can help!