
Health Services 

The WJHSD Nurse and Health Services Department takes a proactive approach to student health and well-being.  A Certified School Nurse is assigned to each of WJHSD's school buildings.  The School Nurses work closely with students and their families to provide in-school health care and assistance.

The School Nurse keeps a health record for each child. It is very important to notify the health office of any specific health problems such as allergies, seizure disorders, etc. that your child may have so that this may become part of the child’s health file. This information is considered confidential and is only available to school personnel on a need-to-know basis.  The School Nurse also performs mandated health screenings which are documented in the health record.  These include height, weight, BMI, vision and hearing screenings.

Immunization Requirement

As per the Allegheny County Health Department and Pennsylvania Department of Health for attendance in Kindergarten students must meet the following immunization requirements:


*Usually given as DTP or DTaP or if medically advisable, DT or Td 

**A fourth dose is not necessary if the third dose was administered at age 4 years or older and at least 6 months after the previous dose

***Usually given as MMR





Families with moral or ethical objection to immunization submit a written statement to the school health office. Students having medical exemption to the vaccine(s), must provide a written statement from the private physician.

Mandated Health Services

In compliance with the Pennsylvania School Health Code, Kindergarten students are required to submit proof of a physical and dental exam.  The physical and dental examinations can be completed by your private healthcare providers.  Physical and dental exams completed on or after July 1, 2023 will be accepted.  Please have your healthcare providers complete the forms below and return to the school health office. 



If you are unable to obtain a physical or dental from your private healthcare provider, these services will be offered at a later date in the school year by the school physician and dentist.  If you wish to have these exams completed at school, please complete the form below and return to the school health office. 


Health Screenings 

Each year the School Nurse performs mandated health screenings as per the Pennsylvania Public School Code.  

Students will received the following screenings:

Medication Administration:

If your child requires medication to be given during school hours, please take a moment to review the WJHSD Medication Policy and Medication Form below.  The WJHSD Medication form will need to be completed and signed by your healthcare provider.  Medication MUST be brought in by a parent/guardian.  Students are not permitted to bring medications to school unless deemed medically necessary by a healthcare provider.