Week 6: February 22, 2022

Week 6 Guest Speaker: EMRE YILDIZCI


Emre Yildizci is a third-year grad student at UW-Madison. He has a BS degree in electrical engineering and physics and an MS degree in physics from Bogazici University in Turkey.
Email: Pending
Slides: Pending

I will briefly talk about my pathway to studying neutrinos at IceCube. Then, I will explain why we talk (and think) about muons almost as much as neutrinos at IceCube.


  • Guest Speaker Emre Yildizci (20 minutes + 10 min Q&A).

  • Break (5-10 minutes)

  • Conclusion of Computational Thinking codeHS.org work. Dr. Shirey's slides (link)

  • Image stacks in Python

  • Office hours by appointment (30 minutes)