Educators in the Winfield City School System work together to plan, administer, and enhance high-quality STEM learning activities with the help of support staff, community partners, and students across grades and disciplines. The district offers significant large-scale professional learning opportunities, as well as key training and workshops conducted at the school level. More specifically, Winfield City Schools has created frameworks to encourage continual learning and cooperation in self-assessed environments. When working on critical initiatives, teachers have set aside time for team collaboration. Literacy and numeracy are two areas of critical academic value at Winfield City Schools. Each grade level has time set aside for collaboration in order to help students narrow success disparities in those areas. Similarly, in grade-level meetings, teachers collaborate across curricula to develop, implement, and evaluate lessons.

Educators use Schoology and Google's collaborative capabilities with students to increase the power of cooperation in their work. Educators also work with community partners on major initiatives throughout the year, such as the Fall Festival and the STEM-Art Expo, as well as other large events. Certain committees have been formed to ensure that the major STEM events go off without a hitch. The Fall Festival Committee, for example, meets regularly during the fall semester to communicate, delegate, and plan the fall festival. The STEM Leadership Committee meets once every nine weeks to discuss and collaborate on the school's general direction, as well as logistical and environmental changes that could improve teaching and learning. The STEM Leadership Committee also sets protocols and guidelines throughout the year.

Strengths: WCS's largest strengths with this standard are Engagement, Sustainability, and Embeddedness. The faculty at WCS are completely consumed by collaboration within the school and community. The collaboration has become more substantial to Winfield City School teachers, and there have been some new collaboration opportunities embedded within the last few years. Marzano Learning Rounds, for example, have been implemented at the middle school level in order to observe, collaborate, and self-assess within the classroom.

Opportunities to Improve: Obtaining Results for this standard is a weakness for WCS. We often attend the meetings, talk about new ideas, improvements, etc. but we do not collect the data that is needed to be rated a 4 for this standard.

STEM Leadership Committee

Winfield City Schools has built a STEM Leadership Committee for each school. The STEM Leadership Committee at Winfield Elementary School includes the principal, STEM coordinator, 3 classroom teachers, the library media specialist, the math coach, and the reading specialist.

This leadership team takes part in training, developing, and leading our school to meet the STEM standards. Each member of the team has spent time at STEM-specific training to ensure they are prepared to lead the school. Furthermore, the team has worked on collecting artifacts from our STEM implementation inside of Winfield Elementary School.

Fall Festival Committee

The Fall Festival Committee at Winfield City Schools is made up of teachers from all three schools. The committee collaborates to prepare for the school district's annual Fall Festival community event! The Committee works together, with our community partners, to provide a fun-filled, STEM event for the community. The Committee is also in charge of obtaining and organizing the booths, tickets, lighting, security, seating, advertisement, and much more!

The Committee stays in constant communication during the fall semester in order to make sure the Fall Festival goes off without a hitch. They also meet regularly after the festival to talk about revisions and improvements for upcoming years.

Fall Festival Committe meeting
Fall Festival Entrance and Exit Gates/Inflatables
Fall Festival Music Line up

Grade Level Planning

Grade level meetings occur on a weekly, sometimes daily basis at Winfield Middle School. These meetings are held to plan and/or improve lessons, opportunities, curriculum, projects, and much more. Each grade level has a specific planning time carved out in each day that is protected for our teachers to have an ample amount of time to collaborate.

Marzano Learning Rounds

Instructional rounds are one of the most valuable tools that a school or district can use to enhance teachers' pedagogical skills and develop a culture of collaboration. The goal of instructional rounds isn't to provide feedback to the teacher being observed, although this is an option if the observed teacher so desires. Rather, the primary purpose is for observing teachers to compare their own instructional practices with those of the teachers they observe. The chief benefit of this approach resides in the discussion that takes place among observing teachers at the end of the observation as well as in subsequent self-reflection.

Vertical and Horizontal Alignment

Curriculum alignment brings teams of teachers together to plan instructional approaches, projects, etc. Vertical alignment at Winfield City Schools takes place multiple times a year in order to ensure that the content taught across grade level bands matches with the Alabama COS and STEM Standards. Additionally, Horizontal alignment meetings take place weekly, sometimes daily, to coordinate learning activities.

Teacher Mentor/Mentee Program

WCS Phase 1 Mentoring Topics.docx
Mentor Mentee Log First Semester (1).docx
2021 WES Title I Parent Survey.pdf

Surveys (Parent, Student, and Teacher)

Parents, students, and faculty participate in surveys annually. Surveys include, but are not limited to Title I, Technology, Culture and Climate, Tutoring, Teacher inventory, and Student Engagement.


Community Partnerships

We have a strong relationship with our community. It is through these partnerships and input from these stakeholders that our STE(A)M initiative has been successful.

Collaboration Calendars

Each month teachers record engaging activities on the Collaboration Calendars in the hall. They also record cross grade level collaboration as well as school wide collaboration activities. This helps teachers to connect with one another when they see lessons in another grade level that may correlate with their own.