
Ready, set, GOAL!

Start off strong by setting a Career Goal and creating your Four-Year Plan!  Check out these career exploration resources.  Save a copy of this Fillable Four Year Plan & Graduation Checklist to your Google drive and start filling it out.  Don't forget to start keeping track of your awards, sports, activities, and service/volunteer hours!

Freshman Year Focus: Attendance & Work Completion

As a freshman, your focus right now should be on coming to school every day and completing all of your school work.  Try to find a club, sport, or activity to get involved with, but make sure your focus stays on attendance and school work.

What you do now matters!

Your high school transcript follows you after you leave here.  Colleges will need it and employers may request it.  The grades you earn starting freshman year will be on your transcript.  Your grade point average (GPA) will be on your transcript.  If you plan to attend college, work to keep that GPA above a 3.0 (B average).

Create a 4-Year Plan

Not only do your grades matter, but the courses you choose matter!  The classes you take now can help expose you to different potential careers, prepare you for college, and give you skills you need for your future career.  Meet with Mrs. Chumley during your freshman year to map out a 4-year plan of courses as well as set some SMART goals in the areas of Academics, Social/Emotional, and College/Career.
