IB Languages

"Learning a language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things"

Flora Davis

About this course...

Over two years, vocabulary and grammar in the target language will be reinforced and extended through the study of following themes:

  • Identities

  • Experiences

  • Human ingenuity

  • Social organization

  • Sharing the planet

This course is assessed through two external assessments, based on writing and receptive skills (listening and reading) and also an internal oral assessment.

Welcome to your induction session...

Please work your way through the PowerPoint below (on the left of the screen). Your summer assignment is below on the right of the screen. Completed summer assignments should be returned via email to: luz.gomez@wilmingtonacademy.org.uk. Any questions you may have about the work should also be sent to luz.gomez@wilmingtonacademy.org.uk. Buena suerte!

Spanish induction lesson Post16
Spanish Summer assignment Post16