Health & Social Care

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."

Mahatma Ghandi

About this course...

Year 12:

Assessment: One examination and one mandatory unit of assignments.

Exam Unit: Unit 1: Human Lifespan Development.

Mandatory Unit: Unit 5: Meeting Individual Care & Support Needs

Year 13:

Assessment: One examination and one optional unit.

Exam Unit: Unit 2: Working in Health & Social Care.

Optional Units x 1:

  • Unit 10: Sociological Perspectives

  • Unit 11: Psychological Perspectives

  • Unit 12: Supporting Individuals with Additional Needs

  • Unit 14: Physiological Disorders & their care

Welcome to your induction session...

For your induction session, please work your way through the resource pack below. This will form your summer project which will be used by your teachers as their first form of assessment in September. Should you need help at any stage, please contact Mrs Vanhorne ( Completed projects should be emailed to:

Health and Social Care Induction Pack.pptx
Yr11 - H&SC Induction 2022