IB Business Management

"I never dreamed about success. I worked for it."

Estee Lauder

About this course...

  • Unit 1: Business Organisation and Environment

  • Unit 2: Human Resource Management

  • Unit 3: Finance and Accounts

  • Unit 4: Marketing

  • Unit 5: Operations Management

Each year, the course is assessed through a written external exam. You will also be required to submit an internal assessment, which will require you to investigate an issue within an existing business.

Welcome to your induction session...

For your induction session, please work your way through the PowerPoint below. This will then enable you to complete the Summer Project (also below) which will be used by your teachers as their first form of assessment in September. Should you need help at any stage, please contact Mr Hellyer (matthew.hellyer@wilmingtonacademy.org.uk). Completed projects should be emailed to: matthew.hellyer@wilmingtonacademy.org.uk.

Business Induction
Business Summer Project- Kelloggs Case Study