
"The single biggest difference between financial success and financial failure is how well you manage your money."

T. Harv Eker

About this course...

Year 12 (Certificate).

  • Unit 1: Financial Capability for the immediate and short term.

  • Unit 2: Financial Capability for the medium and long term.

Year 13 (Diploma).

  • Unit 3: Sustainability of an individual’s finances.

  • Unit 8: Sustainability of the Financial Services System.

There are two units of study on the first year of this course. Both units will be assessed by e-test / written paper made up of the following components: Part A – 45 minute multiple choice exam; Part B – 105 minute exam based on a pre-released case study requiring essay responses to five questions.

Year two of the course focuses more on the financial providers and considers how and why they offer the services. Again, the assessment follows the same format as year one, although the papers are 60 minutes and 120 minutes in length.

Welcome to your induction session...

For your induction session, please work your way through the PowerPoint below. This will then enable you to complete the Summer Project (also below) which will be used by your teachers as their first form of assessment in September. Should you need help at any stage, please contact Mr Hellyer ( Completed projects should be emailed to:

LiBF Finance Induction 2022
LIBF Financial Studies Summer Project.pdf