Career Exporation

Students have a wide range of career exploration tools available to them and complete career searches at least annually during homeroom activities.  Our WCC Career Coach also hosts a career fair in the spring semester.  All 10th graders visit Wilkes Community College for Discovery Day in the fall semester.

Listed below are tools students can use to explore careers:

Wilkes Community College Career Coach Program-  Mrs. Tribble primarily works with 11th & 12th grade students who are taking Career & College Promise courses but it is never too early to talk to Mrs. Tribble about your college & career goals.  Her office is located in the NWHS Media Center.

NWHS Pathfinders-  Mrs. Melissa Walker has curated an excellent collection of resources to help students learn about careers for which they are suited.  Be sure to check it out!

Naviance- students access their Naviance account by going to NCEdCloud RapidIdentity, then 'Clever', then Naviance.  Naviance has a wide range of Self Discovery Assessments they can complete.

College Foundation of North Carolina-  To provide you with the most help possible in your career journey, has partnered with, the experts on careers and employment in North Carolina, to bring you updated career assessments and information.  

Military Recruiter Information- the most up to date list of recruiter contact information.   Recruiters typically visit NWHS once per semester but are also available upon request.